

【作者】 王小晔

【导师】 耿文秀;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 有效的人事招聘对组织的成功和发展意义重大,在警察机构中同样如此。在现代社会,对警察的要求不再仅仅是身强力壮,而是增添了一系列新的素质和能力的要求,心理测验被逐渐引入警察招募和甄选的过程中。2003年6月,上海市公安局在招警招生过程中引入了心理测试,将心理测验的得分作为招收学员的一个重要筛选指标,这在我国尚是首次尝试。 本论文回顾了心理测试在警察甄选与评估中应用的研究,分析对于警察这一特殊职业,哪些量表所测量的心理品质能够更好地预测警察的职业表现,测试结果应怎样解释,心理测试与其他测评手段的比较等。本论文得出了一些测试分析具体量化的结果,可给今后的警察甄选评估工作提供有效的参考指标和实践指导依据。 研究结果表明:1、警察的工作经验对他们的性格模式产生了深刻影响。结合前人的研究结果,可认为在警察职业中,在职警察比警校学生的职业压力大,男性警察比女性警察的职业压力大。2、资历和警种不是影响警察人格的显著因素,本研究不支持对不同警种警察的招聘使用不同的人格测验筛选标准。3、本研究中MMPI的重测信度系数为0.475。在警察招聘中,可考虑对信度系数低的分量表的筛选标准适当放宽。4、对MMPI的结果进行因素分析,得出3种主成分。其中MMPI的因子2和因子3的预测效度显著。研究结果说明,在排除一般病态因素的条件下,防御性和性格内向因素对警察的绩效表现有显著影响,可作为警察招募和甄选过程中的主要参考指标。6、瑞文测验的得分和培训成绩之间不是简单的线性关系。7、心理测验的预测效度要高于文化课考试和面试。8、瑞文测验和MMPI都更适合作为淘汰目的的测验,而不是择优目的的测验,因而在招募过程中使用最低分策略是明智的。

【Abstract】 The effective personnel selection can make a significant contribution to the successful functioning of an organization, so that in the police office. Modern society needs not only policemen’s muscularity, but also many other capabilities and skills. So the psychological tests are being introduced in the process of the police recruitment. In June 2003, Shanghai Police Service used psychological tests score as an important criteria to screen out the unqualified in the recruitment process, which is the first time of psychological screening of police applicants in China.The paper reviewed literatures about psychological screening of police applicants, discussed which characters are essential for police career, which scales can evaluate those characters, how they can predicted the performance of the policemen, and compared psychological tests with other evaluation techniques. The study produced the predictive validity coefficient of several tests, which can help the latter decision making of recruitment and selection for Shanghai Police ServiceThe results suggest that: 1) Policemen’s work experience affected their personality a lot. Veteran policemen’s score on MMPI are significantly higher than the entry-level policemen. 2) Experience and different types of police work did not affect policemen’s personality significantly. The study did not support using different tests or criteria to recruit different types of policemen. 3) The reliability coefficient of MMPI is 0.475. 4) The validity coefficients of factor 2 and factor 3 of MMPI are between 0.11 and 0.14. 5) The relationship between score of Raven test and score of training performance are not ordinary linear. 6) The validity coefficients of psychological tests are higher than academic tests and interview. 7) MMPI and Raven test are fit for screening out not for screen in. Adopting the minimum cutoff approach, that is, using the score below which an individual could not perform the job, is recommended in psychological screening.

【关键词】 警察招募心理测试MMPI瑞文
【Key words】 police selectionpsychological screeningMMPIRaven
  • 【分类号】B845
  • 【被引频次】3
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