

【作者】 肖辉忠

【导师】 冯绍雷;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 科社与国际共运, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文拟从立法、司法和对司法裁决的执行三个角度,来描述俄罗斯十余年,特别是1993年至今社会转型中的法制改革。 1993年宪法通过以后,俄罗斯社会逐步走上了正轨。立法机关开始正常工作。议会通过的一系列联邦宪法性法律、联邦法律,使整个社会关系基本处于法律的调控之下。但也存在着立法不系统,互相冲突,跟不上社会需求的弊病。 俄罗斯在司法领域内的改革是本文关注的中心。俄罗斯法院系统的设置(联邦宪法法院、普通法院系统和仲裁法院系统)、审判方式的改革(重新恢复陪审制)以及在法院和法官独立上的努力,不是对西方模式的简单复制,而是俄罗斯法学界的智慧结晶。俄罗斯司法改革的系统性、规划性,也是值得借鉴的。 俄罗斯司法改革中的问题也很明显。其中最主要的是动力、财力不足。“法制改革”、“司法改革”等概念经常出现在总统咨文与政府报告中,但实际的行动不多。财力不足也长期困扰着司法改革,许多法院主席被迫以相当部分精力关注经济问题。 在逐步理顺中央与地方关系之后,普京总统开启了新一轮的司法改革。一系列社会迫切需要的法律和法典得以通过。普京又针对法制建设中资金不足的长期弊病,推出了规模巨大的“五年计划”,为法制建设注入了大量资金。 然而,即便是国家领导人有推行法制改革的愿望和决心,其进程也可能是非常复杂和漫长的。来自官僚、寡头和犯罪集团的抵制,已经超过财政问题,成为今天俄罗斯法制改革道路中的最大障碍。与此同时,法制改革又很难在短期内得到来自社会的有力支持。这与俄罗斯人的法律虚无主义有关。斯拉夫学派代表阿克萨科夫指出,“俄罗斯人从来不相信法律的尽善尽美,而且也不需要法律的完善……最重要的是信仰和对灵魂的拯救。”在这样的文化背景下,司法审判的公开、公正和可接近性,对法制改革及其成果的宣传,对法律教育的强化,就显得尤为重要。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, we would describe the legal reformation in Russia since 1993 from the profile of legislation, jurisdiction and administration.After the establishment of the Constitution of Russian Federation in 1993, thesociety runs peacefully. The legislative organ begins to work normally. Russian Parliament has passed a series of federal constitutional laws, federal laws and codes in many basic social fields. As a consequence, laws have controlled the socialrelationships. At the same time, the disorder of legislation, the contradiction amonglaws, and the slowness of law enacting are also very serious.The central focus of my paper lies in the juridical reforms. During last decade, three integrated court systems (the Federal Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Arbitration Court) came into being; the innovation in proceedings was realized (the introduction of Jury-Trial system); many efforts were contributed to guarantee the independence of courts and judges. All these achievements belong to the wisdom of Russian specialist in law. Some successful experiences of Russia could undoubtedly benefit our country.The lack of political and financial supports is an obstacle to the juridical performance. Although such conceptions as "legal reformation", "juridical reforms" often appear in the President’s state of the Union Address and in the Government Work Reports, there were little actual political efforts to fulfill these ideas. The financial shortage remained another factor that puzzled juridical reformation. So the chairmen of courts were obliged to consider the economic problems.Mr. Putin himself starts a new cycle of legal reform after having dealt with the tensions between central government and other federal objects. With the great support of new president, many social needed laws and codes were enacted. In order to ameliorate courts’ financial situation, Vladimir Putin prepared a large-scale "five-year-plan".It is evident that the process of legal reform might be quite complicated and endless, even when the country’s leader has firm will. At present, the resistance from bureaucrats, oligarchs and criminal groups has gradually become the biggest obstacle in the course of legal reforms. Moreover, Russians are still reluctant to believe in juridical reforms, which is also related to the tradition of legal nihilism. As a Slavic scholar Aksakov noted, "Russians never believe in laws, never need laws. For them what is important is belief and salvation." Under such cultural background, theopenness, the justice and the approachability in the juridical judgments, as well as the legal publication and educations seem like very essential.

  • 【分类号】D951.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】203