

【作者】 郁琴芳

【导师】 吴志宏;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 教育政策是国家对教育进行计划、指导、协调和控制的重要方式。科学、合理的教育政策能对教育发展起到促进作用。中国当前的基础教育政策制定,无论在理论研究方面,还是在实际操作方面,都不够完善。这就有必要借鉴西方发达国家基础教育政策制定的先进模式。 20世纪80年代,由美国高质量教育委员会提交的《国家处在危险之中,教育改革势在必行》(以下简称《研究报告》)是美国教育历史上著名的研究报告之一。该报告对美国20世纪80年代以后的教育改革产生了深远影响,对诸多教育政策的出台都起到了重要的作用。 《研究报告》的颁布有着政治和社会背景、经济和科技背景,也有着教育方面的原因。《研究报告》整个文本内容共分为了十一个部分。其中,调查结果与建议两部分是整个《研究报告》的主体内容。《研究报告》强调高质量教育,提出的政策建议涉及教学内容、标准和要求、时间安排、教学、领导和财政资助这五个方面。 《研究报告》颁发之后,引起了官方的高度重视,也得到了非官方的热情关心。而且,在《研究报告》的基础上,美国联邦和州政府关注教育质量的政策陆续出台。 我们可以将从《研究报告》到政策形成的过程作这样的概括:首先,在美国联邦政府教育部长贝尔的倡议下,成立美国高质量教育委员会,并由这个组织产生《研究报告》。其次,在《研究报告》发表之后,美国的教育开始受到前所未有的重视,各种对教育的批评、有助于改善教育状况的建议、类似的研究报告空前密集地涌现出来。再次,联邦政府和州政府根据研究机构的种种政策方案,选择出最佳政策方案。 通过对研究报告到教育政策过程的分析,可以归纳出一种具有相当代表性的、操作性的、简约性的教育政策制定的模式。这是一种在实践过程中自上而下与自下而上相结合的模式。在这一模式中,有一些发挥重要作用的因素:适应情境、决策者、智囊团、媒体。 这种教育政策制定模式对美国基础教育的政策制定产生了巨大的影响,发挥了积极的作用,具体有三:第一,在不违背政策制定精神的前提下,可以最大限度发挥教育专家、社会精英在政策制定过程中的作用。第二,有利于制定的教育政策符合实际,切实解决教育问题。第三,根据基础教育基层的要求来制定教育政策,有利于下情上达,协调教育现实与政策文本之间的矛盾。当然,这一模式也存在缺陷:一方面智囊团往往容易成为利益集团的代言人;另一方面专家的某些真实想法还是难以反映到教育政策之中。 结合我国基础教育政策制定的实际,对照20世纪80年代美国关注教育质量的政策制定模式,我们可以得到一定的启示。即要求我国在基础教育政策的制定过程中,要注意:确保民意上行渠道的畅通、规范智囊团的咨询制度、发挥决策者的能动作用和调控教育政策出台的周期。

【Abstract】 Educational policy is an important way for a nation to plan; direct; coordinate and control the education cause. A scientific and reasonable educational policy can contribute to the development of education. Now, policy making of general education both in the theory and in the practice needs to be improved. So it is necessary to use the advanced policymaking model of general education in west developed countries for reference.In 1980’s, National Commission on Excellence in Education submitted A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform. It is one of the most widely disseminated and the most famous research reports in U. S. history. It has influenced on the American subsequent educational reform in 1980’s deeply. Moreover, it has played an important role in the cause of educational policymaking.Many factors resulted in the release of A Nation at Risk such as the social and political factors, economic factors, scientific factors and educational factors. All the content of A Nation at Risk can be divided into eleven parts. The two parts of the investigative outcomes and the proposals have become the main body. A Nation at Risk stresses "excellence in education". Its 40 or so recommendations focused on five areas: stronger content; higher standards and expectations; more time for learning, more effectively used; better prepared, rewarded, and respected teachers; and responsible national, state, and local leadership.The released report make the government attach great importance to education, getting the civil attention. Furthermore, American federal and state governments went at setting down the educational excellence-oriented policy on the basis of A Nation at Risk.We can sum up the course from research reports to policymaking. To begin with, National Commission on Excellence in Education sponsored by Secretary Bell, released A Nation at Risk. Secondly, after the released report, governments at all levels began to attach great importance to education. On the other hand, a good many comments, proposals to improve education and similar research reports unprecedented were come forth. Finally, federal or state governments select the best of all the policy projects offered by research institutions.Though the analysis of the course from research reports to policymaking, we can conclude a policymaking model characterized representational,implementary and concise advantages. This model can associate the top-down state with the down-top state in practice. Suitable scene, decision-maker, think tank and media play an important role in the model.This policymaking model has impressed on American general education. The functions brought by the model are as follows: firstly, we can make full use of education experts and elites as long as we obey the policymaking guidelines; secondly, the policy through this model can be practical and can useful to solve the educational problems; finally, if we depend on the demands from the bottom to set down educational policies, it will conveniently communicate from down to up and will bridge the gap between the practice and the policy text. Certainly, there are some defaults in this model. On the one hand, think tank is apt to become the prolocutors for interest group. On the other hand, some experts’ true ideas can’t be reflected into the educational policy.From the comparison between American educational excellence-oriented policy policymaking model and our policymaking practice, we can conclude some revelations. Namely, in the policymaking courses, we should sweep up the way for public opinions from down to top. It is imperative to standardize the referring system of think tank. Decision-maker’s positive function should be brought into play. Additional, we should put the educational policy cycle to come on under control.

  • 【分类号】G639.712
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