

The Eyes of Power

【作者】 王伟杰

【导师】 马和民;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 本文通过“班级权力”研究概念的建构,求解班级场域中“权力是如何实施的?”问题,从而逻辑地解答弗莱雷的未解问题——“教育压迫是如何可能的?”。研究以“班级”这一特定“权力场域”作为观察单位,选取“权力的运作”为观察角度。首先对班级权力进行谱系学的探究,阐明班级规训的演变历程;其次进行身临其境的人种学考察,对班级规训进行浓厚的描述;最后是更深广的社会学思考,从而揭示现代班级规训的权力策略。 在古代,不论是在中国还是在西方,个体受到普遍的惩罚,教育表现出对个人的绝对的压制、处罚、奴役等。随着研讨班、实验室和教室三种教学方法的演进,鞭笞体罚逐渐淡出教育视野,新的教育实践方式建立了起来,包括三个方面:一、定期举行严格考试;二、考试结果以分数评定登记;三、不断的书写工作,既有学生自己的书写习作,也有他人围绕学生的各种书写工作。当这三种实践方式与教室结合的时候,现代班级规训制度的权力出现了。 人种学的研究发现,学生在班级中受到无所不在的监视,权力以毛细血管状规训着个体。班级规训之所以能产生这样的效果.原因在于它采取了以下一些控制艺术:由教室空间分配方法所造成单元性,通过对活动的编码形成有机性,通过时间的积累营造出创生性,通过个体的整合产生组合性。这些机制的运作,促使各种力量精心组合从而形成了班级规训社会。 这种权力效果的产生,主要是因为采取了两类规训手段:分门别类式规训和概览式规训。分门别类的方式旨在详尽仔细地地对个体进行选择并使其社会化,包括层级监视、规范化裁决以及考试/检查:概览方式表现在教学建筑的革新上,使得受教育者能够“不费吹灰之力”地受到监视,最佳范例是敞视主义的教室空间布置。 本文力图表达的基本观点是:班级权力弥散于教室的空间、时间中,学生作为受教育者时刻受到“规范化凝视”(权力的眼睛)的关注,处于被压迫的状态,变得驯顺。这种压迫不仅仅是来自于教师的,更多的是来自惩罚规则所限制的,这种限制使每一个个体既是监视者,也是被监视者,从而保证着压迫机制的正常运转。

【Abstract】 This dissertation will solve Paulo Freire’s unanswered problem--how does theeducational oppression become possible--by forming the research conception, theclass power, and explaining the question how the power puts into effect in the class field. This research adopts the specialized power field, that is, the class as the observant unit, and the power operation as the observant perspective. Firstly the genealogical research to the class power is given to clarify the evolved process of the class discipline. Secondly the ethnographic investigation is shown to present the thick description to the class discipline. Lastly the profoundly extensive sociological consideration is granted to reveal the power strategy of the modern class discipline.In the ancient, the individual suffers the universal punishment, therefore, the manifestation of the education is the absolute repression, penalty as well as enslavement to the person, no matter whether in China or in the West. As the threeteaching methods--the seminar, the laboratory, the class--has made gradualprogress, the physical punishment like lash had faded out of the education by degrees and the new practical methods of education have set up, which mainly focus on three aspects: the examination implemented strictly and regularly, the exam result assessed and registered by marks, the work of writing done continuously(the writing work operated by the students themselves along with those around them). As the three kinds of practical methods integrate with the classroom, the power the modern class discipline the institution turns up.In the light of the ethnographic research, the students are under surveillance incessantly and ubiquitously in the class, the power like the capillary vessel disciplines the individual, and the class discipline produces the disciplined student. The reason why the class discipline can produce such an effect principally attributes to some dominated art: the unity caused by the distribution methods of the classroom space, the organism shaped by the coding of the activity, the creativeness constructedby the accumulation of the time, the conformity exerted by the arrangement of the individual. Through the manipulation of the above mechanisms, different kinds of power begin to compose elaborately and the class disciplining the society comes into being.The emergence of this power effect mainly owes to two discipline means: classified and generalized. The classified is to select the individual so as to enable them to be socialized, including the hierarchical observation, the normalizing judgments and the examination; the generalized is to improve the teaching structure to make the educate being watched without the slightest efforts, the outstanding example of which is the panopticism space of the classroom decoration.The basic idea this paper tries to express is: the class power is permeated into every corner of the classroom, ranging from space to time, and the student, as an educatee, is paid close attention by the normalizing gaze(the eyes of power), in the state of the oppressed and being docile. This oppression is not only from the teacher, but even more from the restriction the punishment and the regulation impose. This restriction causes every student to become the inspected as well as the inspector, which assures the oppression mechanism to function normally.

【关键词】 班级权力班级场域班级规训
【Key words】 class powerclass fieldclass discipline
  • 【分类号】G40
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】589