

【作者】 王巧玲

【导师】 林培英;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 联合国大会宣布2005-2014为联合国可持续发展教育十年,要求世界各国政府在这十年中将可持续发展教育融入他们国家各个相关层次的教育战略和行动计划中。可持续发展教育是实现可持续发展战略和落实我国科学发展观的基础工程。 本文以具有前瞻性的国际项目——中国EPD教育项目为例,以EPD教育课堂教学案例的研究和中国EPD教育案例开发的研究两方面为突破口,对中国的可持续发展教育进行了研究。 首先梳理了国际可持续发展教育历程、分析比较了不同国家的可持续发展教育情况、对可持续发展教育的理论和实践研究进行了综述。 其次采用案例研究的方法,对中国EPD教育案例开发工作进行了归纳,概括出了中国EPD教育课堂教学的基本特征和几种典型的EPD教育课堂教学模式,力求让更多教师借鉴其具有可行性和现实性的实践操作经验,希望对提升教师可持续发展教育能力,推动中国可持续发展教育能有所益处。 最后得出结论: 案例研究法是中国可持续发展教育理论和实践研究的重要方法;教师撰写案例是中国可持续发展教育提高教师专业发展的重要途径;可持续发展教育案例的开发是中国可持续发展教育的一项持续性工作;将可持续发展教育与课程改革融合是基础教育中可持续发展教育的成功经验;要不断拓展和深化可持续发展教育内容;不断创新可持续发展教育的教育教学模式。

【Abstract】 The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the ten-year period from 2005-2014 as the United Nations Decades .of Education for Sustainable Development .Governments around the world are invited to use the Decade to integrate education for sustainable development into their national educational strategies and action plans at all appropriate levels. Education for sustainable development is the base project on realizing strategies for sustainable development and fulfilling the concept of scientific development.This paper regards EPD project which is a national project as a example of sustainable development.In the first place ,the paper tries to comb the process of international education for sustainable development ,analyses the conditions of different countries and generalizes the theoretical and practical study on education for sustainable development.In the second place, the paper induces case development of EPD project ,generalizes the main characteristic of EPD teaching and several typical teaching model by case-study method to provide teachers more practical experiences . We hope to improve the ability for education for sustainable development in our teachers and promote education for sustainable development in china.At last, the paper give conclusions as follows:1.we should consider case-study method as a important method of studying education for sustainable development hi china.2.It is a vital way of improving teacher’s professional development to write case themselves.3.we should consider case development as a sustainable job on education for sustainable development in china.4.It is a successful experience to connect education for sustainable development with reform on curriculum.5.We must extend and deepen the content of education for sustainable development and bring forth new idea of teaching model of education for sustainable development.6.We must focus on student’s transform from consciousness to action in the process of education for sustainable development.

  • 【分类号】G521
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】796