

Develop Multiple Intelligences to Promote Middle School Students to Participatate Biology Classroom Study Effectively

【作者】 赵隽咏

【导师】 郭友;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着素质教育和基础教育改革的深入,教学活动越来越强调“以学生为本”,要为不同类型的学生提供参与学习的机会,在课堂教学中体现学生的主体地位,使学校的教育教学逐渐向个性化发展。由于学生个体之间存在着差异,以学生为主体的教学在发展的同时也遇到了许多困难,一方面,由于班级人数多,教师难以在大班授课的情况下关注到每一个学生的差异;另一方面,受传统教学思想的影响,一些教师的教学方法单一,难以找到差异教学的突破口。美国发展心理学家霍华德·加德纳于1983年提出了多元智能理论,认为每个人都拥有不同的智能优势,根据学生的智能类型因材施教将有利于发挥学生的个性,促进学生积极地参与学习。针对我国目前教学中所存在的问题,本研究的主要目的是将多元智能理论应用于生物课堂教学,依据学生的智能差异探索有利于促进各种智能优势类型的中学生有效地参与生物课堂学习的个性化教学策略,使所有学生都能在生物课堂中发挥其智能优势,普通在原有水平上获得发展。 本研究首先制定了《多元智能核查表》作为测查学生的智能类型及筛选被试的工具,在此基础上根据学生智能分布现状及生物学科优势选择语言—言语智能、数理—逻辑智能和观察智能优势的学生作为研究对象,用教学实验的方法分别探索能够促进他们有效参与生物课堂学习的教学策略。在研究的过程中用《中学生有效参与生物课堂学习评价量表》对学生参与课堂学习的水平进行评价,并用生物学成绩对实验效果进行辅助性说明。研究结果表明: 经统计检验,依据多元智能理论编制的《多元智能核查表》有较高的鉴别度、效度(结构效度系数为0.564**)和信度(内部一致性系数为0.876),可以用来检测学生的智能类型并且可以作为筛选被试的工具。 经教学实验研究证明,在研究的第一、二、三阶段分别针对数理—逻辑智能优势型、语言—言语智能优势型和观察智能优势型学生所实施的教学策略能够分别有效地提高相应智能优势类型的学生参与生物课堂学习的水平及其生物学成绩。第一阶段实验后生物学标准分成绩S实验班=0.256,S对照班=-0.256,P=0.004**;该阶段学生参与水平S实验班=0.337,S对照班=0.257,P=0**;第二阶段实验后生物学标准分成绩S实验班=0.237,S对照班=-0.237,P=0.007**;该阶段学生参与水平S实验班=0.340,S对照班=0.249,P=0.**;第三阶段实验后生物学标准分成绩S实验班=0.387,S对照班=-0.122,P=0.02*;该阶段学生参与水平S实验班=0.320,S对照班=0.260,P=0.001**。 实验结果还说明“多元智能的生物课堂教学策略”能够有效地提高初中生班级整体的生物学成绩(实验前后ΔM实验班=13.269,ΔM对照班=7.355,P=0.013*)及其参与生物课堂学习的水平(M实验班=0.31,M对照班=0.23,P=0*)。

【Abstract】 With the development of Qualities Education and Basic Educational Innovation, teaching activities pay more and more attention to "students". Teachers should provide different students with opportunities to participate and embody their main-body status to. But because of the differences of students, we met with some difficulties. First, teachers are hard to concern individual in a big class; second, they can’t find break-through for Difference Education. In 1983, Harvard Gardner put forward the theory of multiple intelligences. He thought everyone had his own advantages. So teaching according to students’ intelligence differences can develop their personality and promote them to partake study actively. Our research is to introduce the theory of multiple intelligences into middle school biology classroom, explore individuation-instructional strategies to make everyone have opportunities to develop their advantages and make some progress in biology classes.First we worked out "Multiple Intelligences Questionnaire" to identify students’ intelligence type and used it to sieve objects. Then we carried out our teaching experimental respectively to explore different biology instructional strategies in allusion to Logical -mathematical intelligence, Verbal-linguistic intelligence and Naturalist Intelligence. We used "Evaluating Scale on Efficiency of Student Involvements Biological Classroom in Middle School " and students’ biology scores to explain the effects.Statistics verification suggests: "Multiple intelligences Questionnaire" can be used to identify students’ intelligence type and to sieve objects. (r= 0.564**,a =0.876)Results of teaching experiments suggest: biology instructional strategies in allusion to Logical - mathematical intelligence, Verbal - linguistic intelligence and Naturalist Intelligence can improve relevant type of students’ biology study effects. After the first stage, scores of students in experimental classes are higher than normal classes evidently, (Ses= 0.256, Sns=-0.256, P=0. 004**) So as their participation Ievels.( Sep=0.337 , Snp=0.257, P=0**) After the second stage, we got the similar results in the biology test and their participating investigation, Ses=0.237, Sns=-0.237, P=0. 007**; and Sep=0.340 , Snp= 0.249, P=0**; After the third stage, Ses=0.387, Sns=-0.122, P = 0.02*; Sep=0.320, Snp=0.260, P=0.001**Finally, we studied the effects on whole. We found that through our study, the biology scores of experimental classes are advanced by 13.269, and the normal classes are 7.355, P=0.013*; and their levels of participating classroom study is different evidently.( Me=0.31, M n = 0.23, P=0*). So our "Biology multiple intelligences teaching strategies" are effective.

  • 【分类号】G633.91
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