

【作者】 马莉芳

【导师】 邢永富;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 计划经济向市场经济转变的过程中,传统的长学制模式捉襟见肘,使得中专办学为开拓未来,不得不另寻他途。教育改革的浪潮里,一些新型办学模式涌现出来,激活了部分中专校的发展。这些办学模式独树一帜,有可借鉴之处。但要力挽狂澜使中专办学危机跃出四面楚歌中,却还存在种种问题。分析长学制模式的弊病,分析新型办学模式的特点、优势劣势,分析转型时期社会发展对中专办学的需求及转型时期建立新型中专办学模式的诸多矛盾问题,使我们获得了对未来中专办学模式的新构想。中专多维办学模式的轮廓就浮现出来了。多维办学模式即多方面适应的办学模式。它以教育系统原理为自己的理论基础。它要寻求的是系统整体优化的结果;要实现的是开放系统的功能;要达到的是动态系统平衡的效果。这就是一种把中专办学置身于复杂适应性系统之中,在多样化的错综因素中寻求多方面发展的办学思想;这就是一种把教育服务当作商品,把需要内化为办学基础,用经济理念和系统方法构筑起来对中专教育进行经营的办学模式。

【Abstract】 The traditional model has too many difficulties to cope with while the planning-enconomy is conversing into market-enconomy.The medium-professional schools have to look for new ways instead of old ones.As a result,some new models on professional education have appeared.These new models have helped many midium-professional schools out of corner. However,they can’t help other midium-professional schools like themselves because of their limitation.Having analysed the old and new models,the demands for midium-professional schools during the conversing,and the questions on building new educational models,we will get an innovative model.This kind of model will have wildly adaptation to enviroment.It based on the theory of educational system.It focuses on the effect of superiority of whole system.It emphases the function of the opening system and the state of balance of the moving system..It is the model that can fit for the compile system and keeps on development despite of some interferes from all kinds of complex factors.It is the model that regards the educational service as commodity,and treats the social demands as the base of school.It is the model that is composed of encomic and systematic idea and is used for the midium-professional schools’s management.

  • 【分类号】G718.3
  • 【下载频次】109