

【作者】 张学兵

【导师】 周兴旺;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 本文分六个部分: 第一章 统购统销出台的原因分三点。(甲)理论/法律依据;(乙)直接导因:1953年粮食危机;(丙)深层矛盾:国家利益与农民利益的矛盾、资本主义与社会主义的取舍 第二章 统购统销有一个由政策到制度的过程。统购派购制度包含:实施手段、激励机制、恢复策略以及调节杠杆等几方面制度内涵。统销制度(“票证制度”)深刻影响着统购制度,某种意义上,成也统销,败也统销。统购与统购之间、统购派购内部各要素之间都存在矛盾。 第三章 通过“剪刀差”剥夺农民的方式与苏联经验有联系,也有区别。统购统销制度对农民的剥夺可以分为“制度性”的剥夺和“操作中”的剥夺两个方面。面对“剥夺”,农民中出现了一些令人反思的反行为。 第四章 统购统销制度对农村的改造分为组织上和经济上两个层次。组织上,它加速了农村合作化乃至集体化的进程;经济上,它深刻影响和改造了农村的生产、交换与分配结构,并成为计划经济不可或缺的组成部分。 第五章 统购统销制度与农村的关系可以分为:国家与农民分享革命成果、国家真正剥夺农民、统购趋于解体以及实质上“再版”统购等四个阶段。 几点认识 通过统购统销,农业、农民为国家工业化做出了历史性的贡献,也付出了历史性的代价。反思这种代价,应从两个方面着眼:一、以政治手段实现经济目的;二、以逆现代化的方式推动现代化进程。

【Abstract】 The thesis consists of six parts:Chapter one The reasons issued by "Tong-Gou-Tong-Xiao"(state monopoly for purchase and marketing)divided into three points, (first) the theory / legal basis; (second) the immediate cause: Grain crisis in 1953; (third) the deep contradictions between capitalism and socialism as well as national interests and peasants’ interests .Chapter two There was a course from policy to the system in "Tong-Gou-Tong-Xiao". The system of "Tong-Gou" included: the means,power,strategy and lever. The system of "Tong-Xiao"(" system of the coupons ") influenced the system of "Tong-Gou" deeply. In a sense, both success and failure of "Tong-Gou" were decided by "Tong-Xiao" . There were contradictions not only between "Tong-Gou" and "Tong-Xiao", but also among every key element of "Tong-Gou".Chapter three depriving peasants throng " price scissors " was connected to Russian experience, but there were differences, too. The deprivation of "Tong-Gou-Tong-Xiao" included two parts: some were connected with the system itself, the others were connected with the operation of it. In the face of "deprivation", some anti-actions that made people review appeared in peasants.Chapter four Organizationally, "Tong-Gou-Tong-Xiao" accelerated the process of the rural collectivization; Economically, it influenced and transformed the production, exchange and distribution structure in the countryside deeply.Chapter five Relations between the system of "Tong-Gou-Tong-Xiao" and the countryside could be divided into four stages: Country shared in revolutionary achievement with peasant; country deprived peasant; the system tend to disintegrate ;the reprint of "Tong-Gou" .Several reviews Through "Tong-Gou-Tong-Xiao", agriculture and peasant had made historical contribution for national industrialization, had also paid the historical cost. To reconsider the cost, we should bear two issues in mind : one is to realize the economic purpose by political means; the other is to push modernization by way of anti-modernization.

  • 【分类号】K27
  • 【被引频次】1
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