

The Study of Teacher’s Instructional Evaluation about Web-Assisted Instruction in Higher Education

【作者】 文喜

【导师】 赵冬生;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络信息技术的普及和高校校园网的广泛搭建,网络辅助教学在高校中已逐步开展起来。如何检验网络辅助教学质量,尤其是对教师在这种新型教学方式下的教学评价问题是目前亟待解决的问题之一。网络辅助教学能否真正在高等教育中发挥它的优势,关键因素是使用网络进行教学的人:教师和学生。其中首要的是,教师是否能看清纯网络教学和传统教学的利弊,发挥积极性,转变传统教育思想、教育理念,改变陈旧的教学习惯,重新思考、重新定位,使之与新的环境相适应。因此,本文着重从教师的角度进行了网络辅助教学中的教师教学评价初步研究。本文是在建构主义教学理论和教师发展性评价观的指导下,结合网络辅助教学的特点,提出了网络辅助教学中教师教学评价的目的、目标、主要内容、原则,并对网络辅助教学中教师教学评价体系进行了初步设计和系统设想。 本文主要由引言和五个章节组成。引言简单介绍网络辅助教学中教师教学评价问题的研究背景、研究意义、研究思路;第一章是教师教学评价理论概述,主要包括教师教学评价的概念介绍、几种学习理论影响下的教学评价,以及目前国内外教师教学评价的研究进展;第二章,系统介绍了网络辅助教学的概念、特征、教学组织形式和教学结构,通过网络辅助教学与课堂教学、远距离教学的对比,明确网络辅助教学的评价重点。第三章,分析网络辅助教学中的教师教学评价目的、评价目标、评价内容、一般程序及原则。第四章,结合网络辅助教学的特点,通过对学生、同行、领导、教师本人等评价主体的选择利弊分析,针对不同评价主体,设计了由教师网络辅助教学评价量表和教师网上教学行为统计表构成的网络辅助教学中教师教学评价体系。第五章,提出基于网络辅助教学的教师教学评价系统的初步设想。针对多元化评价主体的特点,对评价系统模块、评价实施流程、评价数据组织进行了设计。

【Abstract】 With the development of network-technology and construction of Campus-Wide Information Systems, web-assisted instruction is being used widely in higher education. How to prove the quality of web-assisted instruction, especially instructional evaluation of teachers in this brand-new teaching area, is to be urgently settled at the present time. Whether web-assisted instruction can bring into play it’s predominance in higher education or not, the key factor is some people of using this pattern, teacher and student. The most important one is teacher who can discern advantages and disadvantages between distant teaching and traditional classroom teaching, turn about traditional educational thinking or idea, change old instructional habits, think over again and orient again, so as to match new instructional target of web-assisted instruction. Therefore, this paper carries through the pilot study of instructional evaluation during web-assisted instruction on teacher’s emphasis. With the guidance of the theory of constructivism and developmental teacher evaluation and combination of web-assisted instruction’s characteristics, we design teacher’s instructional evaluation system about web-assisted instruction, according to its’ purposes, goals, contents, principles in evaluation teaching.The thesis is composed of five chapters. In chapter one, we summarize theories of teacher’s instructional evaluation, including the conception of teacher’s instructional evaluation, influences of learning theory, the research of home and abroad about teacher’s evaluation. Chapter two, we introduce the conception of web-assisted instruction, and it’s instructional form and structure. We contrast web-assisted instruction and distant teaching and traditional classroom teaching, in order to definitude the keystone of-instructional evaluation during web-assisted instruction. Chapter three and four, we discuss the purposes, goals, contents, commonly sequences, principles in the instructional evaluation of web-assisted instruction. Four instructional evaluation systems are designed according to different principle part of evaluation. Chapter five, we make a tentative plan about teachers’ instructional evaluation on network-technology, including evaluation system’s modules, the flow to apply instructional evaluation system and data organization of evaluation.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】9
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