

【作者】 莽昱

【导师】 李建群;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 在当今西方艺术史研究中,17世纪意大利女艺术家阿特米西亚·真蒂莱斯琦(Artemisia Gentileschi,1593-1652)堪称为一位焦点人物。本文将把这位在西方“传统艺术史”和西方女性艺术史中都极具特殊性和重要性的女画家引入我们尚处空白的视野中。文章通过分析阿特米西亚在艺术中对女英雄形象的建构,考察她对艺术史传统主题作出的极富原创性的阐释;探讨她在强大的视觉传统和社会体制压力下所激发出的创造性所具有的独特历史意义和普遍意义;并通过分析艺术史惯常认可的女性形象价值的缺陷,引申出对更广泛的文化问题的思索。 本文的第一、二章以女画家对女英雄形象的建构为切入点,并以其由潜在(对神话人物朱迪斯的诠释)到明晰的自我表达(对自画像的描绘)为脉络,考察艺术史中相关传统主题表现的局限性以及阿特米西亚对此的独特阐释和意义。第三章将借用历史学研究新成果,将阿特米西亚的艺术置于前女性主义的历史背景中,对其所表现出的与众不同的思想和观念做出新的历史判断。 通过研究,本文对阿特米西亚在塑造女英雄方面的杰出成就给予如下结论:一,她以卡拉瓦乔自然主义为基调,将女英雄典范与普通女性形象连接起来,提供了一种新颖的视觉模式;二,她将自身性别经验融入艺术创作中,以可视的形式提出了她与众不同的前女性主义观点,使得其作品具有了超越个人表达的历史和普遍意义;三,她打破了以往的性别刻板定型(Gender stereotypes),以对人性本质和人类经验更加忠实的关注,将女英雄从以往的偏狭陈旧表现中释放出来,挑战了我们对英雄、对女性的定式思维;四,她在继承卡拉瓦乔自然主义表现传统的基础上,以非凡的创新精神使得这种现实主义更加饱满和引人入胜;五,她以自己笔下富于深意的女性角色表明并且深化了卡拉瓦乔现实主义的哲学空间。 本文在研究方法上借鉴了现今西方趋于成熟的女性艺术史研究典型方法,即图像分析、风格分析、心理学和社会学的结合。

【Abstract】 Artemisia Gentileschi( 1593-1652), a famous woman artist in Italy whose work and life are a challenge to humanist constructions of feminine education and deportment .Today, discussion on her has became the focus of art-historical study. The core of This thesis is to study that how Gentileschi adapted the bold and dramatic style of Caravaggesque realism to expressive purposes that differed categorically from those of her male contemporaries, and gave us the most consistently original interpretations of the many traditional themes that she treated. Especially, I have discussed that Gentileschi’s considerable role in constructing a female hero who transcends the female norm by displaying a capacity for moral behavior in the public realm that is normally denied to woman .The core of the study is the first and second chapter, in which two themes treated in paintings by Gentileschi are examined in relation to their respective iconographic traditions. Each of the themes-Judith and the Allegory of Painting has presented her flamboyantly divergent interpretation of popular biblical or classical themes. We saw that a female artist was uniquely equipped to speak with an original voice! To make a judgment of history, the three chapter places her in another context, one newly created by historians, that of historical feminism-the evolving dialogue on the subject of woman.In an era when the modern struggle for women’s social equality was taking shape, Artemisia Gentileschi was distinguished, because: firstly, she bound the female heroic archetype to everywoman and presented a new visual model; secondly, she applied her own life experience to represent her female roles, and set up her distinctive proto-feminist narrative voice; thirdly, she liberated the female roles from the confining stereotypes of heroine and seductress , imbue the heroine with human complexity and defy our conventional sense of heroine and women; fourthly, she has developed the Caravaggesque realism into more saturated realization; fifthly, she has through her works indicated the philosophical significance of Caravaggesque naturalistic forms.Here, I combine a number of methodological approaches: iconography, style analysis, sociology and psychology.

  • 【分类号】J110.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】244