

Status of Agricultural Environment and Control of Agricultural Area Source Pollution--A Case as Yancheng City

【作者】 薛民琪

【导师】 丁艳锋; 朱崇法;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 农业推广, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 农业环境污染问题一直是受到社会关注的突出问题。保护农业环境,防治农业面源污染,不仅是保障农产品质量安全、提高人民生活质量的需要,也是应对入世挑战,增强农业竞争力,推动农业可持续发展的必然要求。 盐城是江苏农业大市,也是我国重要的农产品生产和出口加工基地,保护农业环境,防治农业面源污染显得尤为重要和迫切。本文在全面分析盐城农村大气、水、土壤等三个要素现状的基础上,研究了农业面源污染现状、成因及其危害,对近年来盐城农业面源污染防治取得的成果进行了总结和探讨,并提出了农业面源污染防治的思路和对策措施。盐城农村大气、土壤环境质量均符合国家二级标准,处于清洁水平;而水环境质量较为严重地表水恶化的趋势有所遏制,污染级别为中度至轻度污染,地下水趋于恶化。水环境质量问题是农业环境质量的核心所在,其根本原因之一是农业面源污染日趋严重,集中表现在六个方面:农药用量居高不下,化肥用量、畜禽粪便、生活污水、农膜用量逐年增长,秸秆焚烧难以禁止。随着农业面源污染防治技术的研究和推广,盐城市在推广抗逆品种、确定合理的防治指标,施用农药降解菌及EM,轮作换茬,大钵育苗,秸秆综合利用,农村可再生能源开发利用等取得了显著成效。强调农业面源污染防治的根本途径是加快生态农业建设步伐,建立六大技术体系,为农业面源污染防治提供技术支撑。

【Abstract】 Agricultural environment has been paid much attention mainly due to its area source pollution issues. The protection of agro-environment, especially in area source pollution, is key to guarantying the agricultural production quality security, satisfying the requirement of the increasing population, and to facing the challenge of joining into WTO, boosting up agricultural competitive ability and promoting sustainable development in agriculture.Yancheng city is one of the most important cities for agricultural production in Jiangsu province, China, which has been becoming one of the agricultural processing and exporting basis. Thus, it is of the great imminence to the agro-environmental protection and area source pollution control. This paper focused on the origin and harm of the agricultural area source pollution on the basis of the regional survey on the quality of atmosphere, river and soil in Yancheng city. The author summarized the harvest of the agricultural area source pollution control and further proposed the key thread and countermeasure to improving agricultural environment in this area. The agricultural environment was presented in detail. Rural-atmospheric and soil environment quality measure up the National secondary standard (Pureness), however, aqueous environment quality is in great danger and the deterioration of surface water is kept within limits with the pollution extent of middle to light. What’s more, ground water is also deteriorating. Aqueous quality has become the core of the agricultural environment. One ultimate reason is the deterioration of agricultural area source pollution, which is manifested in six aspects: overfull pesticide dosage, the increasing fertilization and farming polymeric membrane application, livestock excrement and urine and living sewage emission, and the failure to prohibition of the stalk burning. So far, Yancheng city have made the great achievements in agro-environmental pollution protection, and reproducible energy sources by the methods such as the popularization of anti-adversity breed and pesticide-degradable bacterium and EM, comprehensive utilization of the stalk as reproducible energy sources, identification of reasonable control system and improvement of seedling quality using a big substrate pot. Finally, this paper emphasizes that the basic approach to improving the agricultural environment is just to set up the eco-agriculture, six technical systems, and to provide technical support to the pollution control.

【关键词】 盐城农业环境面源污染对策
【Key words】 Yanchengagro-environmentarea source pollutioncountermeasure
  • 【分类号】X50
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】947