

A Study on the Land Registration System of China

【作者】 赵芳

【导师】 葛吉琦;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 土地登记作为地籍管理工作的核心,在土地管理工作中占有十分重要的地位。我国现代意义上的土地制度确立以来,在理清产权关系、解决权属纠纷、规范市场行为,以及避免国家土地收益流失等方面发挥了显著的作用。但是,我国现代土地登记制度建立时间较短,在立法和实践中还存在不足之处,使得土地产权保护力度不够。本文主要以物权理论为理论基础,对我国土地登记制度的现状及存在的一些问题进行了探讨。文章重点选择了土地登记效力、他项权利登记、土地登记机关和登记程序等几个问题进行研究。 文章分为三大部分:第二章为基础理论部分;第三章和第四章是登记实体的有关内容;第五章和第六章则是登记程序的相关内容。 第一章为导论,主要阐述了我国现代土地登记制度的建立及存在的问题,确定了全文的研究内容和要点,并对相关研究文献作了简单回顾。 第二章介绍了土地登记制度的历史沿革及相关的物权理论。本章重点是对三种物权变动模式及相对应的土地登记制度的比较,在此基础上分析了我国土地登记制度的特点。 第三章是全文的重点,笔者就我国土地登记制度的选择提出了自己的观点(本章所指的是狭义的土地登记制度)。土地登记制度的选择以物权变动模式的选择为基础,在分析物权行为理论各部分内容合理性的基础上,结合我国当前土地立法现状,建议我国对物权行为理论采取选择性继受的做法,并对土地登记公信力制度予以确立。 第四章以我国土地登记内容中比较薄弱的一块——他项权利登记为主题,以实际工作中既存的他项权利为依据,界定了他项权利的类型及内容,并针对他项权利特有的性质提出了各自不同的登记模式。 第五章以土地登记机关为研究对象,结合其他国家和地区的登记机关设置情况,指出了我国登记机关分设的现状及其所带来的弊端,在此基础上,作出了我国土地登记机关的选择,并对其权责加以明确。 第六章以土地登记程序的完善为主要内容,提出在强化当前程序的基础上,建立登记的救济程序体系,以期最大限度地保证登记结果的正确性。

【Abstract】 As the key part of cadastration administration, modern land registration system plays a very important role in land management since its establishment. However, there exist some problems and defects in legislation and practice, which lead to an weak protection on the land rights. This paper discusses the present situation and defects of land registration system on the basis of property right theory, and some suggestions about how to improve the system is given.Chapter 1. This part presents the sense of this research on land registration system, research background and the purpose. The summarization of literatures related to this study is listed hi this part.Chapter 2. This part introduces the history of land registration system and related property right theory. The emphasis is put on the comparison of three kinds of right transference modes and corresponding registration systems. Additionally, the features of registration system of our country are pointed out.Chapter 3. This is the core of the paper, in which the writer’s main viewpoint is presented. The selection of land registration is closely related to the choice of right transference mode. On the basis of analyzing the reasonability of different parts of the acts of property ownership, the paper suggests that it should be accepted selectively and that public befef in registration should be established.Chapter 4. The topic of this chapter is other right registration, which is the weak part among the registration contents. According to the existed rights in practice and their characteristics, the types, contents and registration modes are confined respectively.Chapter 5. This chapter focuses on the registration unit. Referring to the settlement of other county’s registration units, the paper lists out the drawbacks of the separate registration units in our country. Opinion on how to improve it is made accordingly.Chapter 6. The last part of the paper puts focus on the improvement of registration procedure. Firstly, the current procedure should be reinforced; secondly, remedy procedure should be set up.

  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】967