

Study on the Urban Land Reserve: Governance Structure, Scope and Mechanism Design

【作者】 郭立芳

【导师】 陈利根;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,我国土地使用与管理制度也在不断改革、创新。城市土地储备制度是在我国企业改制、政府职能转变、城市土地经营理念建立的背景下应运而生的。文章从公共选择视角探讨了我国现行城市土地储备制度的定位,对城市土地储备机构的结构治理、土地储备规模的内在机理以及储备运作机制进行了研究。 文章首先阐述我国城市实施土地储备制度基本状况。接着探讨了城市土地储备机构的性质与结构现状,认为在“双轨制”供地向“统一标准”供地转型期间,土地储备具有公共管理和企业经营性质,政府管理部门将市场行为授予城市土地储备机构行使,并授权部分公共管理权力给予保障,符合现代政府的公共管理职能转型需要,政府与土地储备机构建立起“委托代理”关系。结合我国事业单位改革趋势,文章提出构建董事会制的土地储备机构,理清土地储备机构的治理结构与规范运作,并提出建立监管体系、必须坚持的原则。 城市土地储备具有计划性,体现在土地储备量、收购资金量、储备周期、土地供应量等具有计划和目标。当前城市土地储备缺乏计划性,土地储备期模不确定性也带来了风险性。合理适当的土地储备规模,包括一定的土地储备量、土地储备周期、土地储备资金等。土地储备量的确定与许多内在因素和外在因素有关,文章分析了土地储备资金、土地储备源、土地储备方式、城市性质、储备目标对土地储备量的影响,并分析了确定土地储备量的一些内在基本机理。 文章认为城市土地储备制度要达到完全垄断城市土地一级市场的土地供应,这种定位违背了我国土地使用权市场化改革的目标,城市土地所有权权益是通过“委托代理”关系来实现,城市土地出让市场由代理人高度垄断,会损害土地资源的配置效率和导致土地资产的流失。城市控制土地供应市场应该是形成“统一+竞争”土地供应市场结构。城市土地储备制度在城市不同发展阶段具有阶段性目标,文章认为我国城市土地储备制度目标定位低下,土地储备功能没有完全发挥。 目前大多城市实行土地储备制度显得过于追求短期利益,无法从城市长远发展统筹社会、经济与环境效益。由于制度的缺陷以及政府经营土地中存在扭曲行为,增量土地经营成为地方资本积累的一种途径,相反对存量土地盘活力度不够,扩张式的土地经营方式危及社会可持续发展。城市土地储备要统筹城市可持续发展,全盘考虑城市用地增长、企业改制、城市公共物品供给、城市自然环境资源、城市规划等多方面因素,通过经营土地,有益于建设城市自然环境、产业发展环境、社会发展环境,从而提升城市的综合竞争力。 地价上涨不是城市实施土地储备制度的目的,但城市地价上涨与土地储备制度具有一定的关系。文章探讨了城市地价与房地产价格之间的关系,认为由于制度惯性以及意识形态等导致民众对竞价土地供应看法不一。在土地公有制下,竞价供应土地是一种最可行的办法,政府所要考虑的是如何将城市土地收益进行分配,从社会全面发展层次上进行财政转移。文章最后提出完善我国城市土地储备制度的一些建议。

【Abstract】 Going with the establishing of the socialist market economy system, the institution of land use and land management is being reformed and innovated. The institution of urban land reserve (IULR) is one result of the deepening to the marketability right of land use in China. The innovation of corporation system and the transformation of government function impulse it to be developing. The dissertation expounds the orientation to IULR from the point of view of the public choice. It studies on the governance structure of the institution, the intrinsic mechanism of the scope, and the operation mechanism.The dissertation appraises that IULR be put in practice has got definite effect with some problem, and brings forward some improved measures. IULR would monopolize completely the land provide in the first class land market, that goes against the reform to founding the marketability right of land use. It would damage the land use effect and lose the land asset.IULR always pursues short-term interest excessively in many urban at present, ignoring the unification of the social interest, economic interest and environmental interest, merely looking at the economic interest.IULR should command the land market supply much public product, toning up the ability of social security. The dissertation analyses the actuality of the urban land reserve organization’s character and its frame. It is considered that founding the IULR answers for the demand of the transformation of government function.There is a vicegerent relation between the urban land reserve institution and government. The urban land reserve institution adopted as a public organization would achieve public management function and profit function. It also indicates that the governance structure of the current organizations is blurry. And emphasizes the organizations should constitute a custody system. Finally, the paper consults the system of directorate to conceive the urban land reserve institution, with a mechanism that comprises vicegerent, comprise and supervision.The land reserve is scheming, that incarnated the plans and objects of the quantity, the capital, the period and the supply of land reserve.The reasonable and appropriate size comprises the reasonable land reserve quantity, capital, period and supply. The analysis of the connection between land supply and land demand, it could forecast the future land demand. And integrating the capacity of land reserve, it could deduce the land reserve quantity. According as the policy of urban industry development and the urban planning, it could resolve into the configuration of land use, including the special configuration, quantity configuration and the degree configuration.The dissertation analyses the connections between the land reserve quantity and land reserve capital etc. It also expounds its internal mechanism.The urban land administration is the primary content. For achieving the objects, the city bring into effect IULR. Because of the objection of some institutions and the contorted deed done by some urban government, the increment land administration turns into anapproach to accumulating the capital for the social develop. And the existing land isn’t fully used. The expansionary land administration would endanger the sustainable social develop.The dissertation considers that the land administration being blind spot. Carrying out the land reserve should plan urban as a whole, considering the extent of urban land use, the innovation of corporation system, the supply of urban public goods, the urban natural resources, and the urban planning overall. Land administration would advance the urban competition.Hardening land price is not an objective of the carrying out IULR. But there are some relations between the markup of land and the IULR. Competing in the buying land is the best way to land supply. The government should consider how to distribute land proceeds rather, by transferring finance comprehensive.In the end, the dissertation gives up some policies and advices to perfect the land r

  • 【分类号】F293.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】578