

Paddy Soils Cropping Systems Spatial Distribution Optimizing in County in Hilly Region of Red Soil--A Case of Fengxin County in Jiangxi

【作者】 王伟

【导师】 卞新民;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 红壤丘陵区种植制度改革与发展一直是国内外学者研究的热点,但是种植制度空间布局优化方面的研究并不多,将数学量化模型、经济原理和模型、现代信息技术结合起来的研究更是少见,具有一定的理论意义。以江西奉新县为实例的研究结果不仅能为奉新县种植制度改革和空间布局优化提供决策依据,也对红壤丘陵区其它县域地区水田种植制度调整和空间布局优化有一定的指导和借鉴作用,具有重要的现实意义。 基于以上目的,作者于2002-2004年,通过资料调研、专家咨询、农户调查、实地考察和田间试验等手段,对江西奉新县的种植制度和农业发展进行了全面的调查,通过建立数学模型和运用地理信息系统,对奉新县的种植制度的特征和发展方向进行了全面的论述,并且对种植制度进行了空间布局优化,主要结果如下: 1、红壤丘陵区由于长期以来对资源的不合理利用和掠夺式经营以及人口的急剧增长,土地压力上升,农田生态环境恶化,土壤潜育化,土壤肥力退化非常严重,但区内自然条件优越、水热资源总量丰富、物种丰富,具有一定的区位优势,为区内种植制度调整提供了有利条件。 2、在江西奉新县进行的水田单季稻型多熟制技术研究中,通过适宜作物和新品种筛选试验发现7个油葵品种、2个饲料稻品种、2个青饲料品种、4个牧草品种和2个蔬菜品种具有一定的推广价值。通过水田新型种植制度试验发现,扬花萝卜-金丝搅瓜-晚籼稻、黑麦草-晚籼稻、冬闲-油葵-晚籼稻等几种种植制度的综合评价较高,具有一定的推广价值。 3、采用灰色关联度分析法,对新型种植制度进行了多目标综合评价,分析结果与生产实际情况基本上是一致的,与当地农民对几种种植制度的直观评价结果是相吻合的,采用该方法作出的分析结果可以为推广种植制度提供理论依据和参考。 4、通过测定奉新县主要衣作物在红壤丘陵区成本比较优势指数和单产比较优势指数,根据综合比较优势指导种植结构调整,得出晚籼稻和棉花具有“强比较优势”,应当适当扩大生产;早籼稻、中籼稻、油菜籽的成具有“弱比较优势”,应当维持原来的水平;大豆和花生具有“强比较劣势”,应该适当压缩生产。 5、采用线性规划,以种植制度为决策变量,目标函数为全年收益最大,对奉新县种植制度结构进行了优化,约束条件中增加了主要农作物区域比较优势约束条件,总效益从2.3591亿元增长到2.6917亿元,增长14.1%。 6、运用物元模型对奉新县村级种植单元进行了种植制度的适宜性评价分析,运用CIS的空间分析功能,对奉新县村级种植单元进行了数字化处理,建立了村级种植单元种植制度适宜性属性数据库,在此基础上,得出村级种植制度的空间布局方案图,实现了种植制度空间布局优化功能.

【Abstract】 Cropping systems reform and development in hilly region of red soil is a hot discussion among experts both home and abroad for a long time. The study in cropping systems spatial distribution optimizing is few, and combing quantization model, economy theory and modern information technology is few too. The research result in the case of Fengxin County in Jiangxi Province can provide cropping systems reform and spatial distribution optimizing decision-making not only for Fengxin County, but also for other counties in hilly region of red soil. This paper has both academic and practical significance.For such reasons, the author investigated comprehensively on cropping systems and agriculture development in Fenxin County from 2002 to 2004, using mathematics model and GIS, discussed the cropping systems characteristic and development orientation and optimized the cropping systems spatial distribution. The data were collected from literature, questionnaires to experts and farm households, on-site investigation and field experiments. The main results are as follows:1,Because of inconsequent exploitation and management of the resources, rapid increasing population in hilly region of red soil, the stress on soil, deterioration of farmland ecological environment and soil gleization become more and more serious. Natural features , water and thermal resources and species are abundance. The territorial advantage of this region is a favorable condition for the cropping systems adjustment.2 , Through one season rice multiple cropping system research in Fengxin County in Jiangxi province, seven oil sunflower varieties, two forage rice varieties, two succulent varieties , four forage grasses varieties and two vegetable varieties had to a certainty expending value. Through paddy soils new cropping systems field experiments, forage grasses-late rice, oil sunflower-late rice and etc cropping systems had to a certainty expending value.3 ,The new cropping systems were multi-objectively evaluated through gray relationanalysis. The analysis results were consistent to the practice and the visual evaluation of peasants. The analysis results through gray relation can provide decision-making for extending the new cropping systems.4, Hilly region of red soil cost comparative advantage index and yield per hectare comparative advantage index in Fengxin County were measured. Strong comparative advantage crops late rice and cotton should be enlarged. Infirmness comparative advantage crops early rice, medium rice and rapeseed should be maintained. Strong comparative disadvantage crops soybean and peanut should be reduced.5 , Cropping systems were optimized by linear programming model. Decision variables were cropping systems. Comparative advantages of the main crops were added to the constrain condition. Objective function was making the income maximum. The total income was 269.17 million yuan comparison to 235.91 million yuan before the adjustment, increased 14.1%.6, Using the model of material source, the cropping systems adaptability to village planting units in Fengxin county were evaluated, village planting units digitizing and attribute database were constructed based on the spatial analyzing capacity of GIS. Then the village cropping systems spatial distribution project was elicited, as well as the function of the cropping system spatial distribution optimization.

  • 【分类号】S344
  • 【被引频次】2
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