

Modern Corporation Strategy Management Research--Take the Teaching Material Publish Company of Sichuan Xinhua

【作者】 张肖冰

【导师】 陈昌权; 张霞;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国企业进入了战略竞争时代,研究企业的战略成为企业管理研究的一个热点。尽管我国的战略研究已经取得了一定的研究成果,但重点仍停留在具体的操作层面上,对于战略的本质,战略研究的基本问题、战略研究的未来方向以及基本研究方法等,还没有形成系统的理论框架。 作者回顾了企业战略管理发展的四个主要阶段: (1) 以环境为基点的经典战略管理理论阶段 (2) 以产业(市场)结构分析为基础的竞争战略理论阶段 (3) 以资源、知识为基础的核心竞争力理论阶段 (4) 在变化的环境中采取的柔性战略理论阶段 并详细分析了michael E Porter的五种力量模型,以及Andrews等为代表的SWOT战略分析方法。如何借鉴前人在该领域的研究成果的基础上并根据我国的国情而研究一套先进的、系统的战略管理机制,作者在本篇论文中进行了一定的探索。 作者在对企业核心能力进行识别的过程中,通过无形资产分析列表、企业价值链分析等工具,对企业的核心能力进行识别,以企业所处的市场环境为基础,明确企业发展的战略远景,然后通过灰色关联分析的数学工具,对企业核心能力进行识别,从而明确哪些能力是适应市场机遇的、能够对企业的战略实现有所贡献,明确企业的战略关注重点,并作为企业的核心竞争力进行重点培育。 在对企业战略远景进行战略翻译时,作者运用当前战略管理领域较为前沿的战略翻译工具——平衡计分卡进行战略翻译,将企业的战略远景在财务、客户、内部管理、学习与成长四个方面进行战略翻译。并通过从一开始进行核心能力识别的时候就引入平衡计分卡的四个方面进行相关的关联分析,从而保证了企业欲重点培育的核心资源与平衡计分卡产生直接的相关,克服了平衡计分卡没有一套较为系统的测评指标的确定以及指标权重的确定方法的缺陷。 同时在企业战略着陆的过程中,借助平衡计分卡战略翻译的全面性、可持现代企业战略管理研究续性的特点,通过引入基于平衡计分卡的全面预算管理思想,既克服平衡计分卡资源控制方面的不足,又改变传统预算管理与企业战略脱节、不具备长远发展眼光的先天缺陷,真正为企业战略执行打下坚实的基础。 战略执行是战略管理成功与否的最为关键的环节,有效的战略执行要求企业各级管理机构、各级员工坚定不移的执行企业制定的战略方案,并通过不断的战略反馈来检验战略管理的有效性,模糊综合评价的数学工具来分析战略执行的效果,并相应的通过不断的战略分析来发现问题,加以改进,以保障战略管理的适应性。 最后,以四川新华发行集团教材发行公司的实际战略管理案例为依据,将论文中提出的战略管理的思想、方法进行了实例验证与分析,从而加深读者对论文中的一些方法的理解。

【Abstract】 The time of strategy competition has come. The investigation of corporation strategy has become an emphases of the business management investigation. Although there has got some investigation fruit in Chinese strategy research, we has still lingerred at the moment of the strategy operation. Such as the essence of the strategy, the basic question and the future orientation of the strategy investigation , the basic research methed of it, we still have not formed systemic theory structure for them.The author reviewed the four periods of corporalion strategy management:(1) the classical strategy management theory based on environment(2) the period of the competion strategy theory based on the market structure analyse(3) the period of the core competence theory based or. resource and konwledge(4) the period of the flexible strategy theory based on tre changeable environmentIn this thesis the author analysed the five-force rut up by michael E Porter and SWOT strategy analyse model put ferwars by Andrews particularly.How to use these research fruit for reference and investigate an advanced, systemic strategy management ma to the situation of china, which the author does some research after in the paper.The author identified the core competence of the corporation by the immaterial-asset-analyse-list , the corporation value-chain ,andpositioned clearly the strategy vision of the enterprise based on the market environment . The author used the grey-relevancy analysis, through which the author identified the core competence of the corporation. Then we can know which ability is suitable to the market opportunity,which ability is contributed to the strategy realization, which ability we should pay more attention to, so we can cultivate them emphasizedly.The author use the strategy translation tool balanced-score-card which is rather advanved in the field of strategy management to translate the corporation strategy, so the strategy vision will be described at four aspect, as finance, client, management system , study and grown up. Fron the beginning of the identification of the corporation key ability, the author put up the four aspects of balanced-score-card and make the grey-relenvancy analysis with them, so we can make sure that the key resource the corporation will cultivate has more relationship with balanced-score-card, overcoming the limitation in BSC there is not a systemic method for the determination in score index and the index power.During the corporation strategy landing , considering the BSC is all-sided and continuous,the author introduced the total-budget-management which is based on the BSC.We can settle the queation that the BSC cannot have a good control in corporation resource, and overcome there has no relation between the corporation strategy and the tolal-budget-management, and lay a good foundation for strategy implementation.Strategy implementation is the key part for strategy management, an efficient strategy implementation implys that all the management section and all the employee must carry out the strategy plan of the corporation constantly , and check the result of the stratrgy implementation through continuous strategy feedback. Through the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation we can check the effect of the strategy implementation. Through continuousstrategy analyses we can discover the matter, do some improvement to make certain the strategy is adaptive.At last, the author take the fact strategy management of the teaching material publish company of Sichuan xinhua publish group for real case, in which the author put the theory and the method of strategy management into real implenmentation ,so that the reader could get a better understanding of the theory and method in this paper.

  • 【分类号】F272
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