

Intelligent Decision Support System

【作者】 梁元

【导师】 郭科;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 应用数学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 本文是基于洛带气田高低压分输方案优选研究的一个智能决策支持系统。洛带气田高低压分输方案优选研究智能决策支持系统(IDSS系统)是针对洛带气田蓬莱镇组气藏高低压分输开采的。由于洛带气田内气藏埋藏深度、地层压力及投入开采时间各不相同,造成了开采相对较早的气井在开采过程中压力递减较快,由此气田内相当数量气井的正常生产受管网压力影响相当严重;又因为气田早期开发采用的是滚动开发,气田内集输管网管径偏小且管线单一,造成输气压损增大,从而影响到气井的产量。为了解决管网压力对低压气井正常生产的制约、维持气田的稳产、降低气井废弃压力,提高气田采收率和将来气田进入开发后期进行的增压开采,因而对洛带气田进行高低压分输开采,以此达到稳产、高产的目的。 洛带气阳高低压分输方案智能决策支持系统IDSS系统把模型库、知识库(专家系统)、数据库、以及人机交互系统四者有机的联合起来,达到了定性分析的专家知识推理、定量的数据计算、数据库处理的的高度集中。同时利用了数据仓库和数据开采两种新的信息技术(IT)。数据仓库是在数据库的基础上发展起来的一种为决策服务的数据组织和存储技术。数据开采是通过对数据库、数据仓库中的数据分析,获得知识的一系列方法和技术。它们可以完成对决策过程的支持,相互之间有一定的内在联系,因而将它们集成到一个系统中更加有效地提高系统的决策支持能力。 通过洛带气田高低压分输方案智能决策支持系统IDSS系统设计、开发及研究,我们得到了下列主要认识: (1)了解了智能决策支持系统IDSS的形成和最新的信息技术洛带气田高低压分输方案智能决策支持系统,是一个基于数据开采和数据仓库的智能决策支持系统,本文还描述了决策支持系统与智能决策支持系统的异同,及智能决策支持系统的形成,数据开采与数据仓库等新技术在智能决策支持系统中的应用等。 (2)收集整理蓬莱镇组气藏67口气井的埋藏深度、地面位置坐标及井口压力数据,并根据气井地面井口压力与管网压力的关系,确定了气井废弃井口压力。拟合气藏67口气井压力、产量递减规律,并对气井压力递减及高低压分输时机进行了预测。 (3)对气藏储量计算方法进行了筛选,编制了气井产量递减拟合程序,进行单井压力、产量递减分析各67井次,计算了67口气井高低压分输前后的可采储量; (4)收集整理洛带气田165.843公里的采、集、输气管线基础资料,收集洛带气田内部公司所属23座采、集输气站基础资料及气井生产数据资料; (5)采用Reo资源优化软件及WellFllo软件对165.843公里的采、集、输气管线、34座采集输气站、60多口气井进行了建模,并对相应基础资料进行了建库处理。 (6)建立了洛带气田高低压分输非线性优化模拟数学模型;进行了洛带气田高低压分输80套方案成本最小优化模拟和40套开采收益最大化方案的优化模拟,模拟出成本最小化方案80套和收益最大化方案40套。 (7)完成气田高低压分输方案的优选研究。 综合上述分析和研究,完成了洛带气田高低压分输方案智能决策支持系统IDSS的设计及实现。洛带气田智能决策支持系统IDSS是一个智能决策支持系统。该系统把模型库、知识库(专家系统)、数据库、以及人机交互系统四者有机的联合起来,再加上数据仓库和数据开采技术的使用,把定性分析的专家知识推理、定量的数据计算、数据库处理集成一个综合系统。该系统主要包括人机对话系统、气井压力预测子系统、气井储量预测子系统气井产量预测子系统、气田分输方案制定子系统、分输方案确定子系统。

【Abstract】 This article is about IDSS (intelligent decision support system) based on the optimizing study of the schemes of gas-conveying at high/low pressure in LuoDai gas field. The schemes of gas-conveying at high/low pressure in the LuoDai gas field are designed to resolve some problems. The LuoDai gas field penglai gas wells have different store depths, stratum pressure and exploitation time, and the pressure will progressively decrease in the exploitation periods, so the gas wells are badly influenced by the convey pipelines. In addition, the pipes in the gas field are thin, so the losses of pressure are large amounts. In order to balance the pipelines pressure to the low pressure gas wells, keep gas wells pressure steady, reduce the discarded pressure, raise the gas field gathering rate and boost the pressure in the later exploitation stage, the LuoDai gas field should convey gas separately at high/low pressure.The LuoDai gas field schemes of gas-conveying at high/low pressure intelligent decision support system combines organically the model base, knowledge base ( export system), database and man-machine interactive system, thus it can make export inference in qualitative analysis, quantitatively data calculation and database process. This system also utilizes the data warehouse and data-mine information technology. Data warehouse is a decision service data organization and storage technology which developed from the database technology. Data-mine is a series of methods and technologies to get knowledge through the data analysis of database and data warehouse. These two technologies can support the decision process. And because they have inner relations so if integrate them into one system, they can improve the decision support ability more efficiently.Through the LuoDai gas field intelligent decision support system designing, development and research, we have got some information as follows:1. The LuoDai gas field IDSS is based on the data-mine and data warehouse. This article describes the differences between the decision support system, intelligent decision support system, the form of the IDSS and the applied data-mine and data warehouse technology.2. With gathering and arranging the data of the store depth, coordinates and pithead pressure of the penglai 67 gas wells, we have defined the discarded gas wells pithead pressure, worked out the rules of the gas wells yield progressively decrease and predicted the time when to convey gas at high/low pressure separately.3. We have culled the gas storage calculation methods, worked out the gas well yieldprogressively losses program and analyzed the 67 wells conveying data separately.4. We have gathered the data of the gathering and conveying gas in the 165.834km pipelines and the data of the output of 23 gas stations.5. We have designed the models of the 165.834km pipelines, 34 gas stations and 67 gas wells used ReO Resources optimizing software and wellfllo software.6. We have designed the non-linear optimizing model of the gas conveying at high/low pressure and worked out 80 cost minimum schemes and 40 profit maximum schemes.7. Finished the study of the optimizing of the gas-conveying schemes.To sum up, LuoDai gas field IDSS is a multiple system which combined model base, knowledge base, database and man-machine interactive system, and used data-mine and data warehouse technologies. This system includes man-machine dialogue system, gas well pressure prediction system, gas well storage prediction system, output prediction system, gas conveying schemes formulated and decided system.

  • 【分类号】TP18
  • 【被引频次】1
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