

Study on the Stability of the Spandrel Groove High Slope of Jinping Hydroelectric Power Station

【作者】 夏红萤

【导师】 董孝璧;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 岩土工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在阐明锦屏一级水电站坝区岩体的形成和演化特征的基础上,详细研究了拱肩槽高边坡岩体的结构特征及岸坡岩体浅表生改造特征,建立了岸坡岩体浅表生改造与岸坡演化模式,分析研究了岩体的物理力学性质,采用修正的CSMR法对拱肩槽高边坡的岩体质量进行分级研究,在此上基础之上,采用地质分析判断和有限元分析等方法,对高边坡整体稳定性进行了系统分析、计算与评价;应用块体理论对高边坡的局部稳定性进行了分析计算,确定局部不稳定块体的规模、出露范围,从而对拱肩槽高边坡的局部稳定性有了系统全面的认识和了解。论文获得的主要成果如下: (1)左岸浅表生改造的变形破裂机制主要有滑移压致拉裂、滑移弯曲、滑移拉裂和倾倒拉裂等。右岸浅表生改造主要表现为滑移拉裂式的变形破裂为主。 (2)按深裂缝的形成力学机制,深裂缝主要可划分为拉(撕)裂型、压(致拉)裂型、剪胀型三种类型。 (3)通过二维及三维有限元分析得知,左右岸拱肩槽边坡在开挖过程中,开挖底面主要表现为朝开挖面外法线方向发生回弹,左右岸最大位移量分别为+3.6cm、+2.4cm;拱端面主要表现为向河谷方向发生侧向回弹,左右岸最大位移量分别为+3.5cm、+2.2cm;上下游坡面主要表现为向临空方向的回弹,左右岸最大位移量分别为+2.1cm、+1.7cm;开挖使岩体产生由卸荷回弹导致的倾倒拉裂现象。 (4)拱肩槽天然边坡稳定性较好,均处于稳定状态。左岸拱肩槽边坡在开挖施工至断层f5附近时,要使用混凝土栓塞、固结灌浆、锚索加固及排水等措施以防止岩体失稳。右岸拱肩槽边坡开挖过程中要采取系统锚固及排水防渗等措施,以防止个别潜在不稳定的边坡失稳。建议对左右岸搜索出的确定性块体采用预应力锚索加固;对半确定性块体采用非预应力锚杆加固。

【Abstract】 Based on the discuss of the geologic environment of the high slope of spandrel groove JinPing I Hydroelectric power station.and the engineering geological conditions of rock mass are carefully studied in the paper. The modified CSMR are adopted to perform the classification of the slope rock mass, the results of which are combined with the macroscopic stability of the high slope. On the basis of these, the methods of geological diagnosis and the finite element analysis are applied to analyze and compute the overall stability of the high slope. The block theory is used to evaluate the local stability of the high slope.The main achievements are obtained as follows in the paper:(1)The deformation fracture of the left bank’s hypergene reform is mainly consisted of slipping pressure pull crack slipping flexure slipping pull crack and dumpping pull crack.The right bank,is the slipping pull crack..(2)According to the forming model of the deep pull cracks,they can be divided into three classes pulled cracks-, pressed cracks and sheared cracks.(3)Based on the two-dimensional and three-dimensional finite element methods.the following results can be affirmed:In the slope excavating process,the base surface will rebound in the direction of the excavating surface’s excerior normal.the maximal displacements of the left and right bank are +3.6cm and +2.4cm;the arch abutment will rebound in the direction of the river valley,the maximal displacements of the two bank are +3.5cm and +2.2cm;the upstream and downstream surface will rebound in the direction of the normal direction.the maximal displacements are +2.1cm and + 1.7cm.(4)The natural slope is stable. In the excavating process of the left bank,such methods as concrete embolism, consolidation grouting> cable strengthening and bailing shoud be used when the fault f5 is round.On the right bank,the system anchorage and bailing methods shoud be used.It is surgested that the prestressed cable shoud be used to deal with the deterministic blocks.and the prestressed anchor to the undeterministic blocks.

  • 【分类号】TV223
  • 【被引频次】14
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