

Design and Implementation of Fire Protection E-Government System

【作者】 施仕平

【导师】 苗放;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 应用数学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济和信息全球化的飞速发展,政府信息化成为社会现代化发展趋势。因此,为了适应保障社会主义现代化建设的需要,消防工作也必需实现现代化。消防电子政务的实施,有利于公安消防机构更好地为社会提供优质便民服务,同时推动进了消防工作的法制化、社会化和监管科学化。 本论文主要研究消防电子政务系统的设计与实现。系统采用B/S浏览器/服务器结构模式,选择J2EE体系结构,采用XML作为数据交换标准,后台选用Oracle数据库。系统主要包括政务大厅系统,企业服务系统,消防监督机构系统等功能模块,实现了消防政府部门通过网络与民众之间进行的双向信息交流;同时完成了消防政府部门内部的电子化和网络化办公的协同办公平台的系统设计。系统解决了目前消防部门存在的行业数据分散、工作效率低下以及警务不公开等问题,具有平台无关性、开放性、可扩展性、界面人性化、操作方便、便于维护等特点,是一项值得推广应用的成果。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economy and information globalization,the government informatization,becomes the trend of the development of socialism modernization. To meet the needs of the construction of socialism modernization,fire protection affairs also need carry out modernization. Police fire protection organization benefits from the execution of fire protection E-Government,which provides commonalty with high quality service and promotes legalization,socialization and scientism of fire protection affairs.This thesis mainly researches the design and implementation of fire protection E-Government. The system employs Browser/Server structure mode,J2EE architecture,XML data exchange standard and oracle database. The system includes three main function modules: the public information service system module,enterprise service system module and fire protection organization system module,which implement information intercommunion between fire protection government department and the public. Also the system has finished design of cooperation office automation platform,which implements electrization and netwokization of fire protection department. The system resolves several questions: data dispersal of fire protection department,low efficiency and police work undeclared. The system has the characteristic of platform independence,open,extensibility,perfect interface and is easy to operate and maintain. So the system is worth popularzing and using.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】241