

The Design and Research of DRP-based Distributed Manage System

【作者】 万畅

【导师】 揭金良; 吴小平;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 应用数学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着经济飞速发展,企业销售规模的扩大,企业有可能在不同的地区、国家都有分支机构。因此,异地生产、异地销售的日益增多对企业销售的管理提出了挑战,因而,以互连网为基础的分销管理系统应运而生。DRP(分销资源计划)作为一种新型的管理模式,以生意流程优化为基础,以销售与库存综合控制管理为核心,将采购、库存、销售、促销管理、财务以及企业决策分析功能于一体,是高度智能化的企业分销业务解决方案。为企业供应链后端的管理提供了保证。 当今互连网技术的快速发展为基于网络的分销管理系统提供了可能。J2EE是一个使用Java技术开发企业级应用的一种事实上的开放的工业标准,由业界最大的几个企业计算机供货商(IBM,Bea,Oracle等)的专家们共同合作,它简化了复杂的多层次企业解决方案的配置、部署和管理的问题,为企业级应用提供了解决方案。框架技术对于国内的软件行业目前来讲,还比较陌生,但,框架能使应用开发人员快速的制造出高质量的软件,它十分灵活,并允许将其部分的实现留给应用开发人员完成。本文介绍了如何采用J2EE平台构建基于DRP的分销管理系统,分析了分销管理系统的特点和国内的真实需求,以进销存为基本功能,结合采购、销售、应收/应付、渠道管理等功能点,逐步完善、补充,开发了以MVC模式为基础的框架。为了使整个系统的运行是在一个有效的控制范围里进行,在对权限的设定上采用基于角色的访问控制策略,并作了满足需求的相应扩展,从而极大地丰富了系统的权限。并在此基础上实现了分销系统的开发工作。

【Abstract】 Recently, with economy developing and enterprises sales expanding, it’s possible for enterprises to have more and more tranches in different areas and contries. So the manage of enterprises’ sales is chanlleged. DRP(Distribution Resource Planning) is a new type of manage, which is based on optimization of trade process and focus on overall controll mange of saless and stock. Furthermore, DRP is an intelligent resolution for enterprises distributed sales, which integrates purchase, stock, sales, marketing, finance and dicision, guaranting enterprises’supply chain back manage.Now, internet technology fast developing makes the net-based distributed manage system development possible. J2EE is an open indurstry standard using java technology to develop enterprise-level applications, which is collaborated by the largest computer enterprises in the trade. J2EE simplify complicated configuration, deployment and manage of multi-tier enterprise resolutions. Perhaps, framework technology is strange for most domestic software enterprises. However, it can make application developers produce good software in short times. Moreover, it’s flexible and allows thesome partions implemented by developers. This article describles how to deploy J2EE platform to develop a drp-based distributed manage system. It analyzes the characters of a drp-based distributed manage system and the needs of domestic market, considering the characters of purchase, stock, sales etc, we develop a MVC-based framework. For the sake of strong control of the overall system’s function, we deploy role-based access control policy to design it’s right system and expand to satify some needs so as to make this system have abundant right. At last, we finished the work of developing a drp-based distributed manage system according to the research.

【关键词】 DRPJ2EE框架模式MVC角色权限
【Key words】 DRPJ2EEFrameworkPatternMVCRoleRight
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】287