

Reservoir Character and Prospecting Advantageous Regions in Chang-6 to Chang-8 Oil-bearing Layers of Triassic Period at Longdong Region

【作者】 夏青松

【导师】 田景春; 覃建雄;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 古生物学与地层学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文运用沉积学、石油地质学理论,充分利用露头、钻井和测试分析资料,对鄂尔多斯盆地陇东地区三叠系延长组长6—长8层位的沉积相、微相进行了深入研究,划分出冲积扇,河流、河湖三角洲、湖泊四种相及其对应的亚相、微相;并对研究区三角洲的展布进行了详细研究。四个向盆地中心发育的河湖三角洲:油水河—泾川三角洲、平凉—镇原三角洲、演武西三角洲及环县西三角洲。 根据古构造、古地理、湖平面升降等特点研究了长6—长8期岩相地理特点及其演化,长8期是湖盆扩大的初期;长7期为湖盆扩大阶段中稳定期;长6期为湖盆扩大阶段中开始萎缩,湖平面继续缓慢下降,湖岸线向东迁移。 系统分析了储集层的岩石学特征、孔隙类型及成岩作用类型和物性特征,并讨论了物性与砂体成因的关系,在此基础上将储层划分为四类。 以有利沉积相、成岩作用和成岩相为基础,以物性参数和H、K、S0综合系数值为线索进行了储层远景预测,这对该区油气勘探具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 This text utilizes the sedimentation and petroleum geology theories, makes use of outcrop,well drilling and analysis datum,studies deeply sedimentary facies and microfacies in chang-6 to chang-8 oil-bearing layers of Triassic Period at Longdong region in E’erduois Basin. The sedimentary facies include three type: alluvial fan, lake delta, lake and their corresponding parfacies and microfacies. The spreading of the delta has been detailed researched. There are four lake deltas in the region: the Neishui river-Jingchuan dalta, Pingliang-Zhengyuan dalta, Yanwu dalta and Huanxian dalta.On the basis of the feature of paleostructure, paleogeography and lake level fluctuation in chang-6 to chang-8 oil-bearing layers,this text researchs paleogeographic feature and evolution. Chang- 8 stages are the early days of lake basin outspread, chang -7 stages are steadies stage of lake basin outspread, chang-6 stages are shrinkage of lake basin, the lake level slowly droping, lake strandline moving eastward.Petrologic property,pore structure and petrophysical property have been systematically analyzed,and major cotrolling factors and mechanism of reservoir development have been discussed. On the basis of studying the relation of petrophysical property and sandstone types, The sandstone reservoirs are divided into four types.On the base of the sedimentary facies, diagenesis, diagenetic facies and petrophysical property, we prospect six advantageous regions, such an analysis shows clearly the trend of oil and gas exploration and development in the future and has been proved by the results of testing in the wells drilled within the region.

  • 【分类号】P534.5
  • 【被引频次】13
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