

Research on Application of IP Multicast Technology in the Campus Network

【作者】 岳焱

【导师】 苗放;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机网络技术飞速发展,随着互联网日益壮大。Internet已经逐步由单一的数据传送网络向数据、音频、视频等多媒体信息综合传输网络演化。网络应用的领域不断拓展,但是日益增加的庞大的网络业务开始给计算机网络带来巨大的危机:带宽耗竭。 IP组播技术采用D类IP地址来标志一个组播组,在IP协议栈上提供点到多点的高效传送。参与IP组播的主机可在任何位置、任何时间加入或退出组播组。组播可以大大的节省网络带宽,因为无论有多少个目标地址,在整个网络的任何一条链路上只传送单一的数据包。由于IP组播技术能够有效地缓解带宽危机,基于组播的应用开发得到越来越多的重视。 论文以园区网络环境为实例,完成了以下工作: 1、通过建立一个网络视频直播系统,实现了组播技术在园区网络的应用。 2、通过对实现的组播应用进行状态监视和分析,优化该应用方案,使之更加高效合理。 3、对组播技术现存的一些问题和难点进行了分析,主要针对组播的安全性、可靠组播、组播服务的认证和计费等问题提出了有实用价值的解决方案。 同时提出了一个园区网络组播应用的设计流程

【Abstract】 Internet leads modern communication technology into a unified IP network by integrating all kinds of communication methods. Internet has already gradually developed from a single data transferring network to an integrated network that transfers multimedia such as data, audio, video. Its application field spreads continuously. But, increasingly enormous network services starts to bring huge crisis such as exhausted bandwidth over internet.IP multicast technology marks a multicast communication group by using D class IP address, which can transfer data more effectively. All the hosts in the IP multicast communication can join or exit from its multicast communication group freely because no matter how many target addresses there are, only one data package can be transferred on one data route. Due to IP multicasting communication technology can effectively alleviate bandwidth bottleneck, application based on IP multicast has gained more and more attention.As an application, we develop a campus network. The main contribution of this paper is as follows:1. Apply IP multicast technology in the campus network condition by establishing a network video living broadcast.2. By monitoring and analyzing the IP multicast conditions, Optimize this application project, make it work more effectively.3. By analyzing the existent problems and difficulties of IP multicast, we give some practical proposals to its security reliability the IP multicast authentication and its billing system.4. Introduce a designation process for applying IP multicast communication in a campus network.

  • 【分类号】TP393
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】142