

An Analysis from Economics on the Strategy of Harmonious Development of National Defense and National Economy

【作者】 毛志龙

【导师】 朱泽山;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 国家安全是一个国家其它一切活动的前提条件,适度的国防投入,将会产出多重的战略性收益,因此,国防建设与经济建设是一个不可分割的统一体。但是,作为一种公共产品,国防建设必然耗用稀缺的经济资源,从而导致国防建设与经济建设的矛盾,因而,需要政府在资源的经济效用和社会效用的权衡中做出最佳的然而也是艰难的选择。 正确处理国防建设与经济建设的相互关系,既是中共三代领导集体国防建设思想的重要组成部分,也是关系到我国国家安全和经济社会长远发展的重大现实问题。本文以国防与经济的关系为研究起点,较为系统地分析了国防与经济之间的相互影响,进而对我国国防与经济发展的协调性进行了评估,在此基础上,提出了国防与经济协调发展的政策选择。论文共分三个部分: 第一部分:国防与经济的互动关系。分别探讨了经济对国防的决定作用和影响、特别是全球化背景下国家经济利益的扩展对国防需求的拉动,以及国防的经济功能和经济效应、特别是现实约束条件下国防建设对经济建设的影响。 第二部分:我国国防与经济发展的协调性。主要从国防开支与国防供给的均衡和国防开支与国防需求的均衡两个方面,对我国国防与经济发展的协调状态进行了评估,并进一步对其原因进行了分析。 第三部分:我国国防与经济协调发展的政策选择。在分析我国当前和未来一段时期内的宏观经济形势的基础上,探讨了我国国防开支确定和增长的模式选择与制度安排,提出了在改革开放与经济社会发展中推进国防建设的政策思路。

【Abstract】 National security is the premise condition of other activities of the nation. The moderate national defense investment will produce multiple strategic profits, so the national defense construction and the national economic development will be a unity that cannot be cut apart. But as a kind of public goods, the national defense inevitably consumes the scarce economical resources, thus causes the contradiction between national defense construction and national economy development. Therefore, the government must make the best but difficult selection in the balance of economic effectiveness and the social effectiveness of resources.To handle the relation between national defense construction and national economy development correctly, is an important component of the strategic ideas of the Chinese Communist Party leadership, and an important realistic issue concerning national security and the development of our country. This paper takes the relations of national defense and national economy as the beginning, has analyzed the mutual influence and the coordination between national defense and national economy systematically. Based on this research path, the author has proposed the policy choice of the harmonious development of national defense and national economy.The thesis is divided into three parts:Part A: The interaction relations for national defense and national economy. It respectively discussed the decisive effect and influence that economy has on the national defense, and the economical function and economical effect of national defense.Part B: The coordination between the construction of national defense and the development of national economy in our country. This paper has carried on an appraisal to the coordination between national defense construction and national economy development, as well as the further analysis of its reason.Part C: The policy choice of the harmonious development of national defense and national economy. According to the present and future macro economical situations, this paper has discussed the pattern and policy of the moderate growth of national defense expenditure in our country.

  • 【分类号】E251
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】886