

Experimental Studies on the New Model of Inferencs: the Recognition Heuristic

【作者】 刘敏

【导师】 张庆林;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 推理的启发式再认策略是一种被誉为“快速节俭”的并且以再认为基础的启发式推理模式,被认为是人们在相关信息不足、知识和时间都有限制的情况下最常用的一种推理策略。该模型自2002年Goldstein和Gigerenzer首次提出后,就一直成为新近国外心理学界研究的热门课题与争论焦点,但是目前国内对这一课题的研究尚是空白。 基于此,本研究采用了“高校配对比较”任务和“城市配对比较任务”分别设计了两个实验研究。研究一采用“高校学生规模配对比较迫选”法分别选取了重庆地区大学和中学学生68人,考察了人们在推理中选用启发式再认推理的频率。研究二采用和Goldstein等人类似的实验材料,即“城市大小配对比较迫选”任务,研究了40名大学生被试在压力条件下,采用启发式再认推理的频率,以及考察在启发式推理中是否会出现了“少即是多”效应。 本研究获得以下结论: 1.人们在相关信息不足、知识和时间都有限制的情况下,的确会采用启发式再认策略进行推理,而且启发式再认使用率达到相当高的水平。 2.启发式再认是以非补充性方式进行推理的。 3.压力作用下,由于知识缺失,人们仍然会采用启发式再认策略进行推理,但并非“快速节俭”了。 4.人们在采用启发式再认策略后会出现“少即是多”效应。

【Abstract】 The Recognition Heuristic inference is a fast-and-frugal strategy for making decisions under conditions of limited knowledge. This strategy is based of recognition capability. It was concerned the most useful decision-making strategies when knowledge was missing, time limited and lake of information. The recognition heuristic mode was first promoted by D.G. Goldstein and G. Gigerenzer hi 2002. Though it’s a very young theory, it provokes an endless debate in the psychological field, and soon became the focus on the decision-making strategies. But there isn’t any study on this question in China up to now.For the reasons mentioned above, this study adopted "the critical pairs in the universities task" and "the critical pairs in the cities task" and respectively deigned tow researches. The first study adopted the critical pairs in the universities task to examination the frequencies of using Recognition Heuristic inference strategy. The second study adopted the classical experiment’s materials "the critical pairs in the cities task" used by Goldstein to examination the frequencies of using Recognition Heuristic inference strategy and to test whether or not there was the "less-is-more effect" effect when we exert pressure on the subjects. There were 36 students as objects in study one, and 40 college students in study tow.We got the following findings in this experimental condition:1. People most use Recognition Heuristic inference strategy when knowledge was missing, time limited and lake of information. And their frequencies are up to the very high level.2. The recognition heuristic is worked in a non-compensatory way.3. Under the conditions of pressures, people still used the Recognition Heuristic inference strategy because lake of knowledge. But it’s not fast-and-frugal any more.4. There was the "less-is-more effect" effect when people use the recognition heuristic strategy to make decisions.

  • 【分类号】B842
  • 【被引频次】3
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