

The Study of Classroom Teaching Based on Aesthetic

【作者】 宋燕

【导师】 陈时见; 赵伶俐;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本项研究以课堂教学审美化为对象,采用文献查阅法、观察法、资料分析法等方法,从理论、实践、模式三个层面对课堂教学审美化进行分析,力图全方位地呈现其运行态势,结合新课程改革,对课堂教学审美化的前景进行展望。 课堂教学审美化是把普通教学转换成一种特殊的审美活动,有其自身坚实的美学、科学、心理学和教育学基础。具有开放性、人文性、主体性、发展性、互动性、差异性的总体特征。由于对美和审美特征在感性和理性上的理解差异和侧重,在课堂教学实践中形成了五种比较典型的审美化的教学类型:形象教学、愉悦教学、情感教学、情境教学、探究教学。课堂教学审美化模式是沟通理论和具体实践的中介桥梁。 通过分析研究表明:(1)课堂教学审美化在理论上突破了二元对立的机械思维模式,关注人的全面发展,培养感性与理性和谐统一的人。(2)在各个区域、教学段和学科进行了广泛的教学实践,逐渐形成强大的趋势。(3)在众多先期的探索上建立的审美化教学模式是内在逻辑与外在形式的完美结合,出现大量变式,形成模式群。目前存在的主要问题是:(1)实际运用中的理性化程度有待提高;(2)对教学审美化理解简单肤浅;(3)部分模式运用机械化。 但作为体现以“人"为本的课堂教学审美化契合了新课程改革的精神,有助于新课程培养目标的达成,使教学既符合规律性,又符合目的性,最终达成真、善、美完全交融和统一的境界。

【Abstract】 This study focuses on "classroom teaching based on aesthetic", by ways of document consultation, observation, materials analysis, analyses it at theory, practice, model aspects, tries hard to present its omni-directional situation, looks ahead its prospect combining the new course reform,"Classroom teaching based on aesthetic" changes the common teaching into the special aesthetic action. Its theoretical foundation includes aesthetic, scientific, psychology and pedagogy. It has open quality, humane quality, subject quality, development quality, coordination quality and difference quality. According to the difference on aesthetic characteristic, in the practice formed five typical teaching types: image teaching, happy teaching, emotion teaching, situation teaching and probe teaching. Classroom teaching aesthetic model is the intermediary of the theory and practice.Based on the analysis and study, the conclusions are: I .It changes the mechanical thinking model, pays close attention to the all-round developments and trains the unified person; II. It is used in each area, teaching time and subject, formed the strong trend gradually;!!!. The classroom teaching aesthetic model is the combination of logic and form, formed relevant model group. The main problems are: I . In the practice, the degree of the rational need to prove; II . The understanding of it is too simple ; III . Some models are used mechanically. Based on" people", " classroom teaching based on aesthetic " agrees with the spirit of the new course reform, Contributes to the reaching objective. It makes the teaching reach the unified realm of the true, the good and the beautiful.

  • 【分类号】G423.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】340