

Exploitation of Laboratory Management Information System Based on the Three-tier Architecture

【作者】 张晨

【导师】 凌捷;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 软件工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 高等学校实验室是高等学校的重要组成部分,是实验教学和科研的主要场所。高校实验室建设与管理水平的高低直接影响到高等学校培养人才的质量和水平。对实验室相关信息进行综合分析与管理,不仅是实验室管理本身的需要,也是提高教学质量和办学效益的需要。 信息化时代的到来及网络通信技术的快速发展,为提高管理和服务水平提供了机遇,也为数字校园的建设提供了有利条件。随着嘉应学院校园网的建成,为满足学院实验室管理和校园网络信息交流的需要,为解决实验室管理中的实际问题,我们设计了“嘉应学院实验室管理信息系统”,该系统的研制对实验室管理的自动化、提高效率及进一步完善校园网具有重要意义。 本论文在调研和分析嘉应学院实验室管理模式的基础上,针对实验室管理的特点,采用面向对象技术和模块化设计方法,应用先进的基于COM+的Windows DNA三层设计思想和软件工程方法,在局域网上实现WEB访问的B/S模式和WINDOWS界面的C/S模式相结合的三层分布式的实验室管理信息系统,解决目前实验室管理软件缺乏应有的伸缩性和互通性问题。考虑到数据的安全性和稳定性,本系统C/S模式的前台客户端应用程序用Delphi 6.0编写,后台采用微软的Microsoft SQL Server 2000数据库系统,B/S模式选用ASP+ADO完成。在院校实验室建设中,实现对包括仪器设备管理、实验室管理及实验室人员的管理等多个方面的统一管理。 该系统针对实验室设备的添加、报修、报废等工作的管理,实验室开课信息、实验室信息、实验室管理人员情况等内容,给出了一套完整的解决方案和系统的实现方法。该管理信息系统的运行,将实现实验室管理的高效性、方便性、准确性和安全性,为改善工作质量、提高工作效率发挥很好的作用。还可扩展服务范围,有利于实现资源共享,使学校实验室管理工作上一个新台阶。该系统具有一定的实用价值和推广价值。

【Abstract】 Laboratory is the important part of university, and it is the main site of teaching, learning and sciences studying. The level of construction and management of university laboratory is related to the quality of the students who are cultured in the university. Synthetical analysis and management of the laboratory information is the requirement of laboratory management and the requirement of improving the quality of teaching and learning.Age and the booming network communication technology have created opportunities for the improvement of the management and service level and offered good conditions for the building of digital campus as well. In order to meet the need of laboratory management and campus network information communication, solve the practical problem of laboratory management; we designed laboratory management information system (MIS) of Jiaying University. Developing the system will realize the automation of laboratory management, raise working efficiency, and perfect the campus network.Based on the research and analysis of the management mode and characteristic of Jiaying university laboratory, in order to get better retractility and applicability, the paper develops the laboratory MIS using object-oriented technique and modularizing design method, based on the three-tier architecture with COM+ Windows DNA, and combining the B/S mode (which achieved web visit) with the C/S mode of Windows. Considering the data security and stability, the foreground of the system C/S mode is developed by Delphi 6.0, the background is by Microsoft SQL Server 2000database system. The B/S mode is the combination of ASP and ADO. The university laboratory MIS integrated the laboratory management with the lab devices management and laboratory human resource management.The system focuses on the management of the lab devices, includingthe devices’ adding, maintaining, disusing. It also deals with the information relating to the arrangement of lab courses and the information of lab courses and laboratory human resource management, etc. This MIS system can improve the working quality and efficiency and will enlarge the service range and accomplish co-sharing of the resource. The system is practical and worthy of popularizing.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】345