

A Study on the Efficiency of Human Capital Investment in Enterprise

【作者】 梁春钰

【导师】 张启人;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以人力资本的质量变量作为研究对象。论文首先归纳国内外相关人力资本的理论,得到3个方向:人力资本的操作、人力资本的类型以及人力资本的经济学理论。其中包含9个主题:人力资本的存在形式、人力资本的教育培训、人力资本应用技术、人力资本种类、人力资本的投资渠道、人力资本的度量、人力资本的存量、人力资本的收入分配及人力资本的收益模型。再深入人力资本的操作面,探讨有关人力资本的教育培训。企业如何借助提高人力资本质量因子来提高企业人力资本效能,进而获得企业的财务利益。 论文首先定义人力资本质量,确立质量变动产生的人力资本效能,能够反应到企业的财务绩效之中。确立人力资本质量的3项基本条件:能够量化衡量的指标、员工发挥其人力资本质量以提高人力资本效能、员工经由短期培训来提高人力资本质量。由此三个基本条件,定义人力资本质量的8个变量类型:态度、责任、目标、计划、沟通、危机、思考、改善。运用此8个变量,检视海尔集团的管理方法,确立促成海尔集团成长的5大因子:经营理念、态度、工作方法、职务责任、企图心;这5个因子,是主导海尔集团文化走向的要素。根据海尔集团的5大因子,再对比一个顾问辅导案的成功案例,确立影响企业文化的5大因素:工作状态、问题态度、管理程序、主动创造、激励体制。企业即使文化特质不同,其构成文化的方面,仍在这5大因子的范围。因此企业可以依据这5大因子,制订有效的教育培训计划。在第四章提供的案例中,虽然管理者及作业者只有初中或高中文化程度,仍能学会简单的统计逻辑程序,并运用数学运算的逻辑程序,思考作业上错误的问题,进而找出问题的冰山之根,建立防呆装置,使一项意外疏忽的作业,得以回归到标准化的作业程序。最后再检核这项问题分析的个案中所体现的作业者才能,用人力资本质量变量表,对比态度、责任、目标、计划、沟通、危机、思考、改善等8个变量,检视其变化。论证了:如果作业者学会广东工业大学硕士学位论文这项问题分析程序,将对企业文化产生深刻影响,最终带来企业的颇大利益。该变量表可以提供给企业比较在教育训练前后人力资本质量的变化,以及对企业获利的影响。

【Abstract】 The quality variance of human capital is the subject being studied and the world wide theories of human capital are well summarized to 3 direction: The way to manage the human capitaU The types to invest human capitaU The theoretic structure of human capital in economics. Wherein there are 9 topics: The existent type of human capitaU The education & training of human capitaU The applied form of human capitaU The category of human capitaU The channel to invest human capitaU The measurement of human capitaU The accumulation of human capitaU The income allocation of human capitaU The welfare module of human capital. The study thus comes to study the management of human capital and is focused to the education and training of human capital, that how an enterprise could procure the financial welfare through magnifying the effect of human capital by enhancing its quality variances.The quality variance of human capital is defined at the first and is conformed that the efficiency of human capital could reflect the performance of enterprise financial report. It is concluded to 3 basic conditions to define the quality variance as: the index to be quantifiable. The employee could promote his effect of human capital by advancing his quality variance of human capitaU The employee could advance his quality of human capital by a short term of training. Under the 3 conditions there are 8 quality variances defined further. They are: attitude, responsibility, target planning, communication, risk prevention,thinking way,improvement. By review the management ways of Haier group, the following 5 factors are confirmed as the primary key to drive Haier group becoming a giant. They are: Business principle. Mental attitude. The ways taking Action, Job responsibility,The challenge of change. These 5 factors are the key factors influencing the direction of Haier group culture. In accordance to the Haier’s 5 factors, the study checks a successful case supported by management consultant and confirm 5 factors directing the enterprise culture. Here are the 5 factors: the status of workshop, the attitude facing problem , management procedure , acting to create > the motivation system. The scope of the 5 factors is involved all the fields of the enterprise culture, even though the enterprise owning a different culture. Any enterprise could do a good job of planning a well-performed training program according to the 5 factors. In chapter 4, the case shows that the operator or the supervisor, as well as the controller, is able to learn a simple logic from statistic mathematics, and treats any error happening on the workshop, finding the ice root of the problem, settling it by fool proof method, getting any occurrence back to the standard operation sequence by the learned mathematic procedure. They are only the educational level of secondary school or high school. Finally, the study checks the talents of the employee with the 8 factors of the quality variance, if any of the 8 factors attitude, responsibility, target, planning, communication, risk prevention, thinking way, improvement is changed, through the sequence of the problem analyzing, It is proved that a well learning of such a problem analysis skill will change the enterprise culture and bring the final profit for an enterprise. The quality variances check list could help enterprise check the different value between before training and after training, as well as the influence to the profit.

  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】2
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