

Strategies for Achieving Economy Spurt in Central China

【作者】 张弢

【导师】 杨善林;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中部六省经纬跨度位于北纬25-40,东经108-119之间,地处祖国内陆腹地,起着承东启西、接南进北、吸引四面、辐射八方的作用,依靠全国10.7%的土地,承载全国28.1%的人口,创造全国23.0%的GDP,在全国地域分工中扮演着十分重要的角色。但由于发展起点、环境和条件不同,一方面东部沿海地区借助改革开放的政策优势,先行一步,经济发展水平远高于中部六省,且发展差距还呈加速扩大之势;另一方面西部地区依靠中央实施的西部大开发战略,经济快速增长的势头将会在一定时期内保持;而东北老工业基地也会抓住“振兴东北”战略的难得机遇,努力实现经济的突破性进展,为中国现代化建设发挥更加突出的作用。面对新形势,如何有效发挥中部地区综合优势,加速在全国区域经济板块中崛起,是摆在我们面前的重大课题。本文立足中部六省经济发展现状,在深入分析中部地区拥有的各项优势后,运用区域经济学的相关理论,结合最新提出的科学发展观,指出坚持以人为本与可持续发展是中部地区崛起的必由之路,后发优势战略与比较优势战略相结合,大力发展混合所有制经济,促进区域经济国际化,加强产业结构调整,加大融入“长三角”经济圈的力度等,是中部地区跨越式发展的实现手段。

【Abstract】 The six provinces including Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan are located in the middle part of China, between 25 N and 40 N, 108 E and 119?E. Possessing 10.7 percent of national land, 28.1 percent of national population, these six inland provinces bring about 23 percent of national GDP, and occupy a very important role in Chinese territorial division of labour. Nevertheless, there are more difficulties in developing economy there due to lower development level, less favourable circumstances and factors. On the one had, with the help of the policy of reformation and opening, provinces in the eastern part of China make full use of their privilege of policy, so that their economy development is faster than that in provinces of central China, and what’s more, the development gap is becoming wider and wider. On the other hand, with the central authorities’ strategies of all-round development of west China, great increase in economy of provinces in western part of China will remain in a certain period of time. The traditional industrial bases in northeast China will also grasp the opportunities brought about by strategies of revitalizing northeast China so as to achieving acceleration in economy development. How to give full play to the comprehensive advantages of the provinces in central China so that they can accelerate their development in Chinese territorial economy under the new circumstances? This is an important task for us to study. In this thesis, the feasibility of achieving economy spurt has been investigated and analyred based on the status quo of economy development of the six provinces in central China and some suggestions have been made.

【关键词】 中部地区跨越式发展路径选择
【Key words】 Central ChinaEconomy spurtStrategies
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【下载频次】412