

Automation System and Application Research of Blast Furnace

【作者】 李少东

【导师】 王华强;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题来源于合肥钢铁公司炼铁厂3#高炉控制系统自动化改造,原有的3#高炉控制系统在生产工艺和控制模式上都存在着很多问题,因而在一定程度上影响了整个系统的自动化水平,而且人工耗费量大,制约了产量和质量的提高。该项目的3号高炉控制系统设计采用最新设计思想,即IE设备(仪表与电控设备)一体化(全PLC)以使维护方便、设备最少,以及低成本自动化的思想,即基础自动化级采用全PLC方法;过程自动化级采用工业PC机,监控软件设计采用功能强大的组态软件设计。 本课题主要研究高炉本体监控和高炉槽下的控制系统设计,在设计该控制系统时,我们结合了国内外现代化高炉的先进技术和发展趋势,以及企业的工程实际和用户的要求来设计合理的控制监控系统方案。同时,考虑到国内钢铁企业的实际情况,在跟踪国际先进技术的前提下,保持了符合国情的的适度先进性,从而获得最佳的性能价格比。 整个控制系统的基本特征如下: ·主工艺线的电控设备、仪表设备与控制计算机构成信息集中、控制分散的一体化系统; ·控制系统采用计算机分级控制,除基础自动化级(设备级的自动化控制)外,还设有过程自动化级(监控级),并建立了生产过程实时数据库和历史数据库,为提高生产技术创造条件; ·监控系统设计了更多易懂、易看、易解析、易操作的画面为有效操作高炉创造条件; ·整个控制系统由二级控制系统和二层通讯网络构成。保证系统的完整性、合理性,确保系统自动运行。

【Abstract】 The project comes from Hefei Iron and Steel Company’ s NO.3 blast furnace control system . Intrinsic control pattern of NO.3 blast furnace control system had more problems, as a result, they infected the control system functions. It used much more manpower and restricted the improvement of output and quality. The project of NO.3 blast furnace’s control system uses up to the minute designed idea. Namely IE equipment integration, it makes maintenance easier and less equipments. As well as the lowness cost automated idea. Namely the level of basic automation use PLC method, the level of process automation use IPC, the design of monitor software use industry control configuration software.The task researches blast furnace’s monitor system and blast furnace’s control system design. In the time of designed the control system, we combine modern blast furnace’s control technical and developing trend, as well as the enterprise’s actual status. In the precondition of trailing the international modern technical, we preserved moderate advanced technique and fit our country status. Thereby it obtains the best percent of performance and price.All basic character of the control system as follows: The main technical electrical equipment, the instrument equipment and computer constitute the system of information unify and control disperse. Automation system use the class control, except the level of basic automated, it has the level of process automation. We build the real time database and history database of produce . Automation system creates the condition for improving produce technique. We designed the monitor interface . the interface can be easily understand, watched, resolved and manipulated. The control system has two level control system and two communication network. The method assures the system integrality, rationality.

【关键词】 高炉控制系统PLCWinCC网络通讯
【Key words】 Blast furnaceAutomation systemPLCWinCCNetware communication
  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】483