

Feminism in the Journalism and Communication Study of China: The History, Actuality and Evolution

【作者】 杨珍

【导师】 刘九洲;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 新闻学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 作为一种理论视野和批评方法,女性主义思潮已经渗透入社会学科的诸多领域;同时,由于受到全球化浪潮与文化多元理论的鼓舞,女性主义理论也变得越来越具体,这一趋势促成了女性主义的观点与方法在新闻传播学研究领域的引入。 本论文运用历史的观点,追溯了中国女性主义思潮流变的时代背景及其与中国传统文化相结合的历史过程。并结合现实的社会语境,分析女性主义思潮与中国本土的新闻传播学研究相互对接的学科背景。 在历史回顾和现实研究分析的基础上,作者于“中国期刊网全文数据库”中选取1994年以来关于媒介与女性的相关研究文章116篇为分析文本,运用定量与定性相结合的方法,借用有说服力的数据,归纳和总结其主要议题及主要研究方法。 以此为据,论文从文化分析的角度深入阐释了女性在媒介话语中“不被呈现”的原因,同时指出当代中国新闻传播学中女性主义研究在颠覆与建构之间所面临的困境。

【Abstract】 As a theoretical viewpoint and critical method, Feminism has infiltrated a good many fields of social subjects; at the same time, due to the inspiration of the globalization and the culture pluralism, the feminism theory tends to be more and more idiographic, which secures the combination of the research of feminism with the journalism and communication.This thesis ascends the changing times-background of Feminism in China, describing the linking course of Feminism and Chinese traditional culture. And integrated the real language-circumstance, it analyses the subject-background of the research. Based on the analysis above, the relevant papers published by CJFD during recent ten years( 1994-2003), were collected and sampled as a study case.Through the ration, the thesis analyzes their main topics and research methodology. Besides, from the point of view of culture research, the thesis elaborates the deep-seated reasons of women’s aphemia in media, pointing out dilemma as a harassment which is between the subversion and the construction for feminists of China today.

  • 【分类号】G210
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】1993