

The Analysis of Zheng Baoheng’s Reformation and Creation of Yangqin.

【作者】 郜鹏

【导师】 王朝刚; 郑培东;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 音乐学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文阐述了郑宝恒先生扬琴改革和创作方面的成果与建树: 发明大扬琴。他与张子锐共同发明的律吕式大扬琴,其音域从原小扬琴两个半八度扩大为四个八度,包括全部半音按“律吕式”的音位排列,克服了小扬琴的诸多缺点。论文较详尽地介绍了乐器改革的动因及目的;律吕式大扬琴的结构及性能等内容。 首创扬琴新技法——滑抹音技法。郑宝恒先生运用滑音指套与钢丝拨子结合使用的方式,解决了扬琴发音“直嗓子”的问题,对滑抹音技法的形成及分类作了较全面的阐述。 创作扬琴作品。郑宝恒先生创作的作品题材、体裁都很丰富,流传甚广。其中包括独奏、重奏等演奏形式。本文将独奏曲的创作划分为四个时期。即,一、初春(1949至1965年);二、逆转(1966至1976年);三、发展与困惑(1979至1989年);四、创作新路程(1990至今)。重奏曲部分重点是对三重奏乐曲的分析。同时还对一些大型作品进行了简要分析。并对郑宝恒先生的创作特点进行归纳与总结。 论文最后总结了郑宝恒先生各个方面的学术成就。对先生在扬琴界的地位和作用做出了个人评说。

【Abstract】 In this paper,the author elaborated Zheng Baoheng’s achievement and contribution in his reformation and creation.Invented grand Yangqin.With Zhang Zirui,he invented grand Yangqin of Lulu,which expanded the range from two and a half degrees of minor Yangqin to four degrees,including the whole semitone which was arranged by phoneme of Lulu. So it overcomed a lot of shortcomings of mintor. Yangqin. In this paper,the author thoroughly introduced the reason and purpose of reformation of instrument; the structure and function of grand Yangqin of Lulu,and so on.Mr. Zheng Baoheng firstly invented the new skill of Yangqin--the skill of portamento.Which combined the usage of the cover of finger of portamento and plectrum of steel wire in the cord of Yangqin,and overcomed the problem of "straightforward sound" in the sound of Yangqin. In this paper,the author mor comprehensively elaborated the formation and classification of the new skill of portamento in Yangqin.Created works of Yangqin. Mr. Zheng Baoheng created various works,styles and subjects. All of his creations are spreaded very widely. Among these styles,there are solo,instrumental ensemble and so on. In this paper,the author divided the solo into four periods: the first is early spring (from 1949 to 1965); the second is reversion (from 1966 to 1976); the third is development and puzzle (from 1979 to 1989); the fourth is the new road of creation (from 1990 to the present). In instrumental ensemble,the author focused on the analysis of composition of trio. Besides,the author analyzed some of grand works. And this paper summed up characteristics of his creation.Finally,the author summed up the academical achievement of Mr. Zheng Baoheng in every aspects and gave the personal comment on his position and function in the area of Yangqin.

  • 【分类号】J632.51
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】224