

Study on the Education of the Unattended Children

【作者】 马晓凤

【导师】 焦瑶光;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 城市化是现代化的必要条件,一个国家走向现代化的过程乃是农业人口不断向非农业人口转化的人口城市化过程。当代中国正处在“城市社会来临”的前期,因而出现农民大规模的跨区域和城乡之间的流动,形成了社会经济发展中不容忽视的“民工潮”。目前涌入城市的1亿3千万农民工多是20至35岁的青壮年,他们的子女教育必须得到全社会的关注。随父母进入城市的“流动儿童”和仍在农村没有父母照顾的“留守儿童”约占学龄儿童的20%左右,如不能确保他们受教育,“两基”的成果就很难保持。在流动人口子女中,有相当一部分被留在了家里,即所谓的“留守子女”。 “留守子女”是指其父母一方或双方在外打工而被留在家乡,并需要其他亲人照顾,年龄在十六岁以下的孩子。人口流动使农村家庭规模变小,结构趋于不完整,留守子女生活在单亲或隔代的家庭中,与父母之间互动减少,交流几乎等于零。他们的父母迫于生活无力顾及子女的学习与教育,更无法营造有利于学习的家庭环境。因此,本研究力图从家庭、学校两个方面探讨留守子女的教育问题,希望能给家庭教育、学校教育以对策和建议。 研究运用质的研究方法,同时采用问卷法、访谈法、专题研究法、小组讨论法等多种方法,以通渭县上家河中学为个案,通过对初中年级留守学生的重点访谈,深入考察了其家庭教育状况及留守子女的父母、代养人的教育观念和他们的学校教育状况,力图揭示出存在于留守子女家庭教育、学校教育中的各种矛盾和问题。 研究表明,留守子女教育问题主要存在于家庭和学校两个方面。家庭方面,由于家庭教育“量”的减少,教育力量过于分散;父母及代养人教育观念落后、教育方法简单;父亲教育角色“淡出”等缺陷,使得留守子女表现出过早成熟、焦虑和不安全感、强烈的自卑感等行为和心理倾向,影响到他们的自我认同和评价。学校方面,学校教育通过升学考试的竞争筛选和“因材施教”的管理等方式来甄别学生,同时教师较为落后的教育观念和目前违背学生发展特点的课程教材和教学等都使得留守子女被赋予了不同的发展道路。家庭教育与学校教育同时成为了留守子女身心、学业发展的事实上的旁观者,留守子女们最终因升学无望而被迫走向打工之路。 关注留守子女教育问题应是家庭、学校、社会共同的责任。为此,首先,家长要树立正确的教育观念;其次,学校要转变教育教学观念;第三,基础教育课程改革要面向农村,关注农村学生的教育发展;第四,建立农村社区儿童教育和监护体系,增强和发挥农村社区教育的作用。

【Abstract】 Urbanization is the indispensable part of modernization which is, in fact, a process of changing rural population into the urbane ones. Now China is on the eve of urbanization. It has formed large-scale population migration and gradually developed into a kind of "peasant-worker tide", which are cross the regions and between cities and countries. At present, the 1.3 billions of peasant-workers are mainly the youth between 20 to 35 years old, that means their children’s education should be paid attention to by all the society. The proportion of the school-aged children between those who go to the cities with parents and who are left unattended occupies 20%. Thus if their education cannot be guaranteed, the fruit of "two basics "will be hard to keep.The unattended children refers to those who are under 16 years old, left in country because of their parents’ going out for working and placed in the custody of other relatives. The population migration dwindles the scale of family and makes family structure incomplete. So the unattended children live in the single-parent or grandparent family, and their interaction with parents are almost diminished to none. The living pressure occupies the first place, thus the friendly family environment for study is nearly impossible. Therefore from the perspectives of family and school the thesis aims at the discussion of the unattended children’s education in wish to offer some advice and countermeasures.Based on qualitative research, the thesis applies to the methods of questionnaire, interview, group discussion and specialized-study etc. It selects Shang Jiahe middle school in Tongwei county as the case to makes the in-depth interview. Through this process the thesis studies their conditions of family education and school livings, and the educational concept of their parents’ or custodians so as to fully demonstrate the contradiction and problems in such a group.The study shows the problems existing in the unattended children are the followings. Firstly, the lack of family education makes the educational force disintegrated. Secondly, both their parents and their custodians are outdated ineducational concept and simple in educational methods. Thirdly, the absence of the father’s role makes them premature, anxiety and insecure. Fourthly, the psychological and behavioral tendency of strong inferiority complex affects their identity and evaluation of themselves in school and family. This group is increasing in number while the education and family conditions maintain as before. The entrance examination, the outdated education concept in teachers and the impractical teaching materials and methods which are against their characters all bring troubles to them. Therefore, they are forced to step on their father’ feet. However, the family and the school education function as the stander-by in the growth and development of this group.The study appeals that concern of the unattended children’s education is the responsibility of society, family and school. Therefore, firstly, the parents should build up the proper educational conception in order to clarify their position and function in their children’s growing. Secondly, the school has to change the education and teaching concept. Thirdly, the new reforming of basic educational curriculum should face country and show concern to them. Finally, set up the system of children education and custody in rural community in order to reinforce the function of rural community.

【关键词】 留守子女教育个案研究
【Key words】 the unattended childreneducationa case study
  • 【分类号】G40
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1514