

The Research for the Application of Kodály’s Musical Teaching Method about Musical Education Aiming at Children in Rural Areas

【作者】 马磊

【导师】 魏新民;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 音乐是人类特殊的语言。在幼儿成长过程中不失时机地进行音乐教育,能够为幼儿想象力的发展提供广阔的天地,有助于帮助幼儿习得词汇,丰富幼儿的艺术语言,增强幼儿在音乐活动中的愉快感,促进幼儿身心的健康发展;有助于培养和提高幼儿的语言能力和音乐鉴赏能力,是促进幼儿全面发展的重要手段。 素质教育是面向每一位受教者的教育,但由于经济和文化教育发展的不平衡,生活在农村的幼儿很难像城市的幼儿一样能够及时地接受较为系统的音乐教育,特别是在我国西北地区的农村,幼儿音乐教育基本上还是教育中的一个空白点。由于幼儿年龄小,通常情况下,他们的学习需要家长的陪同,也需要课后的辅导;幼儿学习音乐,需要练习用的乐器,这对家长来说是一笔不小的开支;对于举办幼儿教育的幼儿园来说,也需要一定数量的物力投入;幼儿音乐教育的有效开展还需要具有音乐素养和音乐教学技能的教师。因此,现阶段在经济欠发达的农村地区举办幼儿教育存在不少困难。但是,由于幼儿音乐教育对幼儿的成长和发展具有重要作用,我们又不得不对农村幼儿进行音乐教育。因此,加强农村幼儿音乐教育的研究具有重要的现实意义。 柯达伊是匈牙利著名的音乐教育家、作曲家、民族音乐理论家,他的幼儿音乐教育思想根植于匈牙利民间音乐深厚的文化哲学之中。他的音乐课程思想继承了匈牙利民间音乐的知识观和价值观,确立了民歌的美学价值、民族价值和人文价值的音乐课程价值取向,具有以下几个特点:1、回到音乐的原点;2、掌握音乐母语;3、强调基础训练、4、发展音乐能力、5、既培养音乐家,又培养音乐听众;6、拯救机械化时代的人们。 柯达伊的音乐教学方法是其音乐教育思想的重要组成部分。具体来说具有以下几个特点:灵活使用音乐教学方法,取其所长;使用具体和形象化的教学手段;重视音乐的读和写;把歌唱作为音乐教育的基础。目的是使音乐属于每一位幼儿。 通过柯达伊的音乐课程和教学方法的实验研究,我们发现,柯达伊的音乐教育思想能够在我国西北农村的幼儿音乐教育中采用。这种思想对于提高农村幼儿整体的音乐素质和能力具有借鉴价值。我们的研究为在西北农村开展幼儿音乐教学提供了一个范例。

【Abstract】 Music is a special language of human being. Giving timely musical education to children in their childhood can be helpful with their vocabulary study, enrich their language of arts, reinforce their pleasure in musical activity, accelerate their physical and mental health; can cultivate and improve their ability of speech and appreciation for music. It is also a key method for their grow-up in all sides.Quality education aims at every student. However, because of unbalance in economy, culture and education, children, especially those in rural areas of northwest China, unlike their counterparts in cities, can hardly timely receive systematic; musical education. Musical education in those areas is a blank page. Because of their age, generally speaking, children must study in the accompaniment of their parents, also they need tutoring after class. If a child wants to study music, the expenditure on their instruments is also considerable to their parents, so is the case in kindergarten; to offer musical education to children, teachers with musical training and skill are also essential. So, at present, there is much difficulty offering musical education to children in under-developed rural areas; however, in view to the importance of musical education in a child’s process of grow-up and development, we must offer this kind of education to them. From above, we can draw a conclusion: reinforcing the research for musical education in rural areas is very importantKodaly Zoltan was a very famous Hungarian musical educationalist, composer and folk music theorist, his theory of musical course inherited the theory and value of Hungarian folk music, established the tropism of musical in its aesthetical value, its national value, and humanism value, which has the following characteristics: 1. Backing to musical origin; 2. Mastering the musical mother tongue; 3. Emphasizing basic training; 4. Developing the musical ability; 5. Cultivating musicians meanwhile audiences; 6. Rescuing people living in mechanization ageKodaly’s musical teaching method was essential part of his educational theory Exactly, it had the following characteristics: flexible implication of musical teaching method and taking advantage from it; the implication of material and visual teaching method; paying attention to the ability of "reading" and "writing" in music; taking the singing as the base of musical education The aim of his theory is that music belongs to every child.After study of Kodaly’s theory of musical course and musical teaching method, we can see that his theory of musical education can be implied in the course of musical education in rural areas in northwest China. We can use his theory as reference in the process of improving children’s musical quality and appreciation collectively. Our research aims at providing a sample for children’s musical education in rural areas of northwest China.

  • 【分类号】G613
  • 【被引频次】9
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