

Decoding the Beat Generation

【作者】 孔小刚

【导师】 张儒林;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 作为一个较有争议的文学团体,“垮掉的一代”在美国文学史中的地位与贡献一直难有定论。克鲁亚克,金斯伯格等“垮掉派”作家在不为主流文化所接受的同时却被奉为青年反文化运动的先驱。在中国,“垮掉的一代”在80年代以前少有听闻,每一接触,也总是被与颓废,堕落,放荡不羁相联系。那么“垮掉的一代”文学运动究竟有无其价值呢?本文认为,对“垮掉的一代”的评价不是一个是与非的问题,而是一个选择什么角度,如何看的问题。 本论文将选取上述两位“垮掉派”作家的经典之作:小说《在路上》及长诗《嚎叫》,力图通过几个不同的角度,多侧面地对“垮掉的一代”进行考查,从而就其本身的文学主张与社会影响做一较全面的分析研究,最终还原出一个能为人所理解的“垮掉的一代”。本论文的考查,分析将从以下几方面入手: 第一部分将对“垮掉的一代”文学运动,克鲁亚克,金斯伯格及他们的作品进行简要介绍并回顾对这两位作家的文学批评。 第二部分将从历史角度出发,对二战后美国的经济,政治及文化态势做一描述,从而勾勒出“垮掉的一代”产生的历史背景。 第三部分是对“垮掉的一代”的哲学,美学思想渊源的追溯,力图说明美国超验主义哲学传统与现代存在主义哲学对“垮掉的一代”所产生的重大影响。 第四部分将对“垮掉一代”的文学表现主题进行发掘。通过对小说《在路上》及长诗《嚎叫》的文本分析,本文力图表现“垮掉”作家的文学精神实质。 第五部分将着手于“垮掉的一代”文学创作技巧。对“垮掉一代”作家所标榜的“无意识写作”及其景象化,动作化的表现风格及反英雄的刻画进行分析研究。 第六部分是本文的结论。基于上述研究分析,本文力图得出的结论是:在那样的历史背景下,持有那样的哲学,美学观;“垮掉一代”的文学、文化反叛乃是其必然之举。

【Abstract】 As a quite disputable literary group, the Beat Generation never gets a definition of status and contribution in American literary history. While disapproved by the mainstream critics, the Beat writers as Kerouac and Ginsberg were iconed by the youth counterculture. In China, this group was seldom mentioned before 1980s.Even if mentioned, it always went hand in hand with decadence and degeneracy. Then question still remained is what’s the true color of the Beat Generation. The view of this thesis is that the assessment of the Beat Generation is not an issue between right and wrong, but one of perspective and stands.By choosing two Beats’ classic works, On the Road and Howl, mis thesis tries to carry out a survey of the Beat Generation from different perspectives. The main target of mis survey is to expose an understandable Beat Generation.The thesis is divided into six parts: The first part is a brief introduction to the Beats’ classic works, namely On the Road and Howl and the relevant literary criticism. The second part is a sketch of the relevant backgrounds that produce the Beat Generation. The third part is devoted to a survey of the philosophical and aesthetic source of the Beat Generation. The aim of this survey is American Transcendentalism and modern Existentialism. The fourth part is a thematic analysis based on the textual analysis of on the Road and Howl. By doing so, the thesis tries to discover the spiritual essence of the Beats’ literary creation. The fifth part is a survey of technical characteristics of the Beat writing. The survey covers the spontaneous writing that is advocated by the Beat writers, the visionalized and actionalized unfolding of Beats’ writing and the characterization of anti-hero. The sixth part is the conclusion of the thesis. Based on the survey above, the thesis draws the following conclusion that under such a milieu of the 1950s and by holding the philosophical and aesthetical view drawn from Transcendentalism and Existentialism, the Beat Generation can find no way out except in their cultural and literary rebellion.

【关键词】 解读“垮掉的一代”
【Key words】 Decodingthe Beat Generation
  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】2043