

A Study of the Relationship between Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety and Classroom Participation in College English

【作者】 马云霞

【导师】 陈冠英;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 十九世纪七十年代以来,外语教学研究重心从如何教转向如何学;由研究教学方法有效性转向研究学习者个人因素和语言课堂实际情况。学习者情感因素是导致外语学习差异的重要因素之一,随着人文主义心理学和以人为本的教育思想的发展,情感问题在语言学习中越来越受到重视。焦虑可能是语言学习中最大的情感障碍;学生的参与是课堂教学和课堂互动的一个重要方面,是学习者语言操练和产出的重要途径。从理论和实践两方面来看,外语课堂焦虑对学生在课堂活动中的参与有影响。课堂焦虑和课堂参与这两个课堂教学的变量之间到底有怎样的关系呢?这是本研究主要解决的问题。 关于外语课堂焦虑和参与这两个变量的研究已有很多,大部分都是对它们各自的考察,以及对它们与语言成绩的相关性的探究。但是学习者的某一个因素和语言学习成绩之间并不是简单的线性关系。本研究从语言学习的过程角度出发,探索了语言学习焦虑和学习者参与的相互关系。本文主要考察了受测学生的外语课堂焦虑程度与特点;课堂参与频率与特点;焦虑程度和参与方式的关系;焦虑程度和活动模式的关系;以及焦虑各因素和参与频率的关系,并给出启示:教师可以通过调节学生焦虑程度,提高学生课堂参与的频率和质量,促进外语学习。本研究的结果表明: 1.学生具有一定程度的焦虑,在口语中尤为严重。交际畏惧和负评价焦虑与焦虑程度高度相关,而与本族语者交谈焦虑和焦虑程度之间相关度很弱。学生的课程落后焦虑较高,对英语课的消极态度程度较低。男女学生的焦虑程度差异显著。 2.学生课堂参与意愿和实际参与频率之间的差异显著,男女学生的参与频率有显著差异。在小组活动,全班活动,和教师引导活动这三种互动模式中,学生的参与频率也表现出显著差异:教师引导活动中,参与频率最高,小组活动次之,全班活动中参与频率最低。 3.大部分学生因为紧张而喜欢以回应老师或被老师提名的方式参与课堂活动。小组活动中,较低焦虑者主动用外语交谈,而较高焦虑者被动回应。全班性交流活动中,学生主动参与次数与焦虑程度之间近似于二次方程式,表现为弧形曲线,高焦虑者和低焦虑者参与较少,适度焦虑者参与最多。 4.学生在三种活动模式中参与频率和他们各自的焦虑程度之间并不是直线关系,而是近似二次方程式图像的曲线关系。只有适度焦虑者在三种互动模式中参与频率最高。5.学生焦虑程度和参与频率显著负相关,而且呈二次曲线关系,适度焦虑者参 与频率最高。焦虑各因素中,与本族语者交谈焦虑和参与频率显著正相关, 其余四因素与参与频率负相关。 本文由六部分组成。第一部分引出了外语课堂焦虑的定义,讨论了课堂参与在外语学习中的重要性,并阐明了本研究的目的和意义。第二部分介绍了本研究要依据的理论基础。克拉申(Krashen)提出的情感过滤假说(焦虑程度越低,语言学习效果越好)是研究焦虑与语言习得关系的理论基础;Alwright与Long的互动假说(语言要在交流中习得)和swa in的输出假说(除了可理解性语言输入,可理解语言输出促进语言习得)是课堂参与的理论基拙。维果斯基(vygosky)提出的最近发展区域(Z工P)则把语言教师在课堂教学过程中调适学生焦虑程度,促进参与的作用提高到理论层面。第三部分回顾了国内外相关的研究,并根据作者的调察研究和结果,进一步证明了探索焦虑和参与之关系的必要性。第四部分介绍了研究对象,研究工具,研究步骤和方法,以及数据处理和分析方法。第五部分给出并分析讨论了研究结果。第六部分是对全文和本研究的总结,并指出了研究的不足之处和对教学的启示。

【Abstract】 Since 1970’s, the focus of the research in language teaching turns from how the teacher teaches to how the learners learn; from the effectiveness of teaching methods to individual differences and "what goes on in classroom". The affective factors belong to one of the factors which lead to variation in language learning. Language anxiety seems to be one of the affective factors that influence language acquisition negatively. On the other side, learner participation, one of the aspects of classroom interaction, is an important means of language practice and language output. Theoretically and practically, language anxiety is likely to influence learner participation. Hence, how do language anxiety and classroom participation relate to each other? The question is exactly what the research is to focus on.The results of the research are as following:1. The students show some degree of anxiety in the English classroom, especially in speaking. Their anxiety level shows very high correlation with Fl (communication anxiety and the fear of negative evaluation), but comparatively low correlation with F3 (the comfortableness with English native speaker). They show higher degree of anxiety level in F2 (the fear of failing the English class), but lower degree in F4 (the negative attitude toward English class). There is a significant difference of anxiety level between male and female students.2. There is a significant difference between reported participation frequency and willingness, and the reported participation frequency shows a significant difference between male and female students. The participation frequency in group work, full-class activity and teacher-led activity shows significant differences.3. Most students would like to participate in classroom activities by responding to teacher or being nominated by teacher because of nervousness. In group work the students who have moderate anxiety level initiate interaction, while those who are high-anxious or low-anxious just respond. In the full-class communicative activities, the students who are moderately anxious (get 80 to 100 on FLCAS) participate much more than high-anxious or low-anxious students.4. Participation frequency in group work and in full-class activity shows a moderate correlation with the anxiety level, while that in teacher-led activity just weakly correlates with anxiety level. The participation frequency in the three different interaction patterns and anxiety level present a quadratic curve in coordinate axis, which indicates that the moderately anxious students participate in activities most5. The anxiety level shows a moderate and negative correlation with reported participation frequency. The quadratic curve they present in coordinate axis shows that moderately anxious students have the highest participation frequency. Among the five factors of FLCAS, only factor three (the comfortableness in speaking with native speaker) shows a significant and positive correlation with reported participation frequency, while the other four factors are negatively correlated with reported participation frequency.This research aims to examine how the foreign language anxiety influences language learning from the prospective of learning process and learners themselves. The thesis consists of six parts. The first part introduces the definition of language anxiety, the importance of learner participation as well as the purpose and significance of the research. The second part presents the theory foundations of the research. Krashen’s filter hypothesis paves the way for the investigation about anxiety, Long and Alwright’s interaction hypothesis as well as Swain’s output hypothesis support the importance of learner participation, and Vygosky’s ZIP theorizes the teacher’s scaffolding. The third part gives a critical literature review related to anxiety and participation home and abroad, then introduces an investigation of the effect anxiety has on participation. The fourth part introduces the purpose, procedures, instruments an

  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】17
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