

A Research on Development and Utilization of PE Curriculum Resources in Primary Schools in Gansu Minority Nationality Areas

【作者】 兰雷

【导师】 魏争光;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 当前我国基础教育的课程资源现状,提出并澄清了课程资源分布的不平衡性,以及课程资源建设中应该高度重视的几个认识问题。随着我国基础教育课程改革力度不断加大,课程资源的重要性日益显现出来。体育课程资源的开发利用是我国基础教育改革所面临的一个暂新课题。课程资源的开发与利用是新一轮课程改革的重要保证。不能随意而行,应遵循一定原则性。本文提出的有关课程资源的若干理论思考,旨在引起对于这一问题的高度重视。 本文通过文献资料、访问调查对甘肃少数民族地区30所普通小学体育资源现状进行研究。结果显示,甘肃少数民族地区小学体育课程资源存在着课程内容中民族传统体育和民间体育活动项目丰富,然而教材内容没有考虑地方和实际情况,很难引起学生的兴趣;各级各类学校体育场地、器材的要求相差甚远,现有体育场地器材都无法满足教学要求和学生的体育需求;自然地理财富作为一种体育课程资源来开发很具有价值和实际意义;课外体育活动和校外体育活动还不能满足学生的需求,尚须大力开发和利用;体育师资结构不合理,学历结构偏低,且相当一部分是民办教师转正等问题。并提出了更新思想、转变观念;改革课程内容,构建新的课程体系;争取家长和社会相关人士等社会各界的支持;对课程内容选择的自由度;实施体育师资继续教育工程等甘肃少数民族地区小学体育课程资源开发与利用的对策与措施。进而构建了甘肃少数民族地区小学体育课程内容资源、人力资源、体育设施资源、自然地理体育课程资源、体育课程信息资源、课外和校外体育资源的开发利用方案以及体育课程资源开发与利用建议。

【Abstract】 Disequilibrium in distribution of curriculum resources exists in the present curriculum resources of basic education in China .the problems in construction of curriculum resources have aroused attention increasingly. With further reforms of curriculum in basic education, the importance of curriculum resources is widely recognized .development and utilization of curriculum resources is a new field of Chinese basic education reforms. The success of the researches will be a guarantee for he further reforms of curriculum. Development and utilization of curriculum resources should be made under their laws and principles. The present paper aims to make theoretical studies on curriculum resources, which may draw more attention to the topic.Through literature review and date collection, the research on the present PE resources is made in 30 ordinary primary schools in Gansu minority nationality areas ,the results of the research reveal the following problems:1. Traditional sports and folk sports are of great variety, which may be used as PE resources. But such contents are absent in the PE textbooks .so it is natural that the PE classes can not arouse interest of students; The number of the playground and sports apparatus can not meet the standard. Neither can they satisfy the demand of students; It’s practical to take advantage of the local geographical resources in PE curriculum; Extracurriculum and after -school activities can not meet the demand of students, which should be developed and utilized to a greater extent; The structure of PE teachers is far from satisfactory. Their academic credentials are comparatively low.a considerable number of teacher are not professionals and they are not employed officially. Therefore, the paper puts forward the following proposals: Teachers’ educational concepts and their notions of course plan should be renewed. Experts of the field should be invited. Supports from all circles of people should be sought. "Switch function" among course contents should be reinforced and free choices of course contents should be enhanced. Measures should be taken to solve the problems in development and utilization of PE curriculum resources in Gansu minority nationality areas through such programs as PE Teacher Development Project To conclude, the paper aims to present suggestions and a plan for the development and utilization of human resources as well as the resources of the PE curriculum contents, sports apparatus, PE information, extracurricular and after-school activities in the primary schools of Gansu minority nationality areas.

【关键词】 甘肃省少数民族地区小学体育课程资源开发利用
【Key words】 Gansuprovincenationalminorityareaprimaryschoolphysical courseresourcesexploitation
  • 【分类号】G623.8
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】600