

Institutional Change and Performance Analysis of the Land Conversion and Utilization from Rural Land to Urban Land in the Process of Urbanization

【作者】 吴正红

【导师】 邓宏乾;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市化进程的深入,我国已经进入了城市化加速发展时期。由于历史原因,我国城市发展过慢,城市原有空间资源有限,不能满足城市经济发展的需要,城市的空间范围在较快拓展和延伸,这促使农村—城市土地转换利用从量和速度上均增长较快,以满足城市化加速发展对土地的需要。但目前看来,不论是从土地转换利用过程中还是从转换利用后均存在诸多问题,如转换中农民土地权益受到侵犯,土地利益受损严重;土地转换价格形成机制缺失,难以实现土地资产的公平交易;土地转换利用缺乏长远规划,土地资源浪费严重;相关法律法规不健全,难以保证土地合理转换,有效利用:政府在土地转换利用过程中的角色定位不清,不能正确履行自身的职能:土地转换利用过程中缺乏生态保护和可持续发展观念等等。问题的存在必然降低制度运行的绩效,也同时说明伴随着市场经济发展而建立的我国土地转换利用制度存在缺陷,不完善,制度运行机制不畅,成本过高,不能很好地促进城市化道路和农村经济的协调发展。深入考察分析目前土地转换利用制度存在的问题以及问题的成因和根源,并积极思考探索如何完善甚至重新构建这一制度,使之既能够满足城市化发展对土地的需要,又能有效保护耕地,维护农民的土地权益,实现土地这一稀缺资源有序流转,合理配置,提高土地利用绩效,这将有利于我国城市化进程的稳步深入和市场经济的稳定发展。

【Abstract】 With the deepening of the urbanization process, our country has already entered accelerating development period of urbanization. Because of the historical reasons, cities of our country have developed comparetively slowly and original land resources in cities are limited, which can’t meet the development demand of urban economy. This results that the space range of cities is being expanded and extended very fast. This impels much rural land to be converted for urban development purpose at a high speed.But it seems at present that many questions exist either after the land is converted or during the conversion course , such as peasant’s land rights and interests being infringed seriously while land use si changed; Price mechanism of land conversion being lacking, which makes it difficult to fulfil fair land assets transaction; land conversion and utilization lacking a long-term plan , which results in serious wasting of land resource; relevant laws and regulations being imperfect, which can’t guarantee the land being converted and utilized rationally, effectively; The role of government during the course of land conversion and utilization being unclear, which makes the government can’t fulfil its own function correctly; land conversion and utilization lacking an idea of ecological protection and sustainable development. Existed questions must reduce the performance of system operation, and reflect the defects and imperfects of land conversion and utilization system ,and the operation cost is too high. The system can’t well promote urbanization process and rural economy to develop in harmony. Some actions should be taken, which will help the steady development of the urbanization process and market economy of our country including investigating and analyzing deeply the reasons and roots of the existing problems in the system, thinking actively how to perfect or even reconstruct it, with the purpose to make it meet the land requirements of urbanization, protect the cultivated land, safeguard peasants’ land rights and interests, realize circulation of land resource in order and disposition of land resource rationally, improve the performance of the land utilization.

  • 【分类号】F293.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】488