

Consumerism Tendency of Chinese Mass Media in the Background of Globalization

【作者】 郑念东

【导师】 李黎明;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 “全球化”已经成了当今世界的时髦术语,无论东方还是西方,发展中国家还是发达国家,资本主义社会还是社会主义社会,人们都在谈论“全球化”,“全球化”作为一种改变现状的变化范式,在当代中国已经成为了替代“现代化”的一种话语和社会想象。在这样一个背景下,全球化消费主义日益与大众传媒互相渗透而成为了特有的文化景观。 以往的传播学研究更多是在传播者与接收者之间展开,并据此进行着“意义传播”的研究。而现在的传播研究则在消费社会来临的基础上,重新界定着传播的形式和内容,更为注重在生产者与消费者之间展开,并据此进行着“形象传播”的研究。 本文研究的大众传媒与消费主义,主要从消费主义的产生及发展轨迹研究起,掌握其内涵和特性,努力探求大众媒介与消费主义是如何相互依存相互发展,推动着全球化进程的。着重对一些典型的大众传媒的消费主义倾向作分析,诸如电视媒体频道的个性化包装和节目的风格化定位;媒体成为追求利润的工具;传播内容以大量娱乐内容服务于受众;信息爆炸时代的大众传播让受众无所适从,日常生活中对新闻媒体依赖程度加重,大众传媒崇拜导致不同程度的“自我”丧失等等。最后将针对这些现象作出科学、客观的分析和思考。

【Abstract】 "Globalization" has become a fashion term in the world now, whether it is in east or west, developing countries or developed countries, capitalism societies or socialism societies, people are discussing about "globalization". As a changing model of altering the current situation, "globalization" has taken place of the term "Modernization" and the imagination about society. In this background, intercourse of Consumerism tendency and mass media became a specific prospect in cultureThe previous Mass Communication Theory studies more between media and receivers, and researches on "Meaning Communication", while present Mass Communication based on the coming of consumerism, redefines the formats and contends of mass communication and researches on "iconic image communication", paying more emphasis on producers and consumers.This thesis probes the interdependent development between mass media and consumerism and how this stimulates globalization by researching from the origin and developing courses of consumerism and grasping the connotation and characteristics. It makes an effort on analysis on some certain tendency of mass media consumerism, such as the individualism of TV media channel and programmers styles orientation; media has become the instrument for profit perusing; mass media services the public with mass entertainment contents; mass communication make people at loose ends and rely more on news media in the Information Explosion times; worship towards mass media makes people lose themselves in some degrees. The thesis provides scientific and objective analysis and thinking upon those phenomena.

【关键词】 全球化大众传媒消费主义倾向
【Key words】 GlobalizationMass mediaConsumerismTendency
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】924