

A Study on the Types of Information Groups of the Verb-copying Sentence with Unmarked Complement (SVOVC?) in Modern Chinese

【作者】 彭淑莉

【导师】 萧国政;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以现代汉语无标补语重动句为研究基点,考察与其具有同动同息系连关系的一系列句式,借此研究现代汉语传息句族(息族)的类型,并希望这种研究成果和研究思路对对外汉语教学和中文信息处理有所帮助。 引言定义了本文所讨论的信息(基本语意信息)、息族(一组传达相同信息的合法句子所构成的集合)、系连式(同动、同息而不同形的句子),以及具有系连关系的句子的必备特征,确立了息族及其类型之描写和研究的句式——无标补语重动句,集中论述了无标补语重动句的息族成员——可与该句式相系连的14种同息句式。 无标补语重动句,根据补语结构类型的不同,分为四类。文章主体分四节讨论了其息族类型、类型区别的典型格式以及制约句子息族成员的条件。第一节,简单无标补语重动句息族,包括指向主语的简单补语息族、指向宾语的简单补语息族、指向动词的简单补语息族和多成分指向的简单补语息族四个次类,以S2、S4、S8″和S9为该类的典型特征。第二节,述宾无标补语重动句息族,包括指向主语的述宾补语息族和指向动词的述宾补语息族,以S10′为该类的典型特征。第三节,介宾无标补语重动句息族,包括指向主语的介宾补语息族、指向动词的介宾补语息族和多成分指向的介宾补语息族,以S3与S8共现为该类的典型特征。第四节,数量无标补语重动句息族,包括指向宾语的数量补语息族和指向动词的数量补语息族,以S5′和S7′为该类的典型特征。 余论对无标补语重动句息族类型进行了小结,对息族研究作了相关理论思考,阐述了该研究在对外汉语教学及中文信息处理中的应用价值。

【Abstract】 This paper observes a series of interrelated sentences that share the same verb and the same information with the verb-copying sentence with unmarked complement (SVOVC0), in order to examine the types of information groups in Modern Chinese and offer some useful methods to Teaching Chinese as a foreign language and Chinese Processing.In the foreword, this paper defines information, information group and interrelated sentence. It also examines the characteristics of the interrelated sentences with the same verb and the same information. We choose SVOVC0 as an example to demonstrate how to make a research based on information group and generally sum up its 14 interrelated sentences.According to the structural type of complement, SVOVC0 can be divided into four types. The principal part of this paper, consisting of four chapters, analyzes the types of information groups, their component interrelated sentences and some determinative conditions.The first chapter is about SVOVC(C=adj./vi/adv). Its information group is composed of J1X1(C-S), J1X2(C-O), J1X3(C-V) and J1X4(undefmed C). S2, S4, S8" and S9 are its typical interrelated sentences. The second chapter is about SVOVC(C=verb/adj.+O’ ). Its information group is composed of J2X1(C-S) and J2X3(C-V). S10’ is its typical interrelated sentence. The third chapter is about SVOVC (C=prep. +O’ ). Its information group is composed of J3X1(C-S), J3X3(C-V) and J3X4(undefined C).Its typical characteristic is that S3 can co-exit with S8. The fourth chapter is about SVOVC (C=QP). Its information group is composed of J4X2(C-O) and J4X3(C-V). S5’ and S7’ are its typical interrelated sentences.In the final analysis, we summarize the information groups of SVOVC briefly, present some related theoretical issues and expound the application value ofinformation group in Teaching Chinese as a foreign language and Chinese processing.

  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】3
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