

A Study on Metaphors in Scientific and Technological Texts

【作者】 李琼

【导师】 吴振国;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在认知语言学的总体框架下,结合现代隐喻学理论和文体学的有关知识,在前人研究成果的基础上深入系统地探讨了隐喻在科技语篇这种特殊文体中的特殊表现,旨在进一步揭示隐喻和认知的密切关系。文章的创新点也就在此。 除引言和结语外,正文共分为四个部分。第一部分详细比较了隐喻和比喻以及其他修辞格的区别和联系,并综合前辈学者有关隐喻的论述给出了自己对隐喻的定义。第二部分为“科技语篇中隐喻的类型”。这一部分描写了科技语篇中两种不同类型的隐喻:词汇隐喻和语法隐喻。第三部分分别阐述了词汇隐喻和语法隐喻在科技语篇中的不同特征,这些特征是通过和非科技语篇对比得到的。第四部分为“科技语篇中隐喻的功能”,这一部分是全文的重点,隐喻和认知的关系也就主要体现在这一部分里。科技语篇作为一种旨在揭示人类认识世界的文体,于中充分体现出隐喻的认知功能。 此外,这项研究在一定程度上也将有助于语篇语言学和语篇信息处理等工作的进一步开展。

【Abstract】 This thesis makes studies on the special performance of metaphor in scientific and technological texts, a special style, applying modern metaphor theory and some viewpoints of cognitive linguistics, combining certain knowledge about stylistics, on the basis of the predecessors’ achievements, in order to reveal the close relationship between metaphor and cognition further.Besides a preface and a conclusion, the whole paper includes four parts. The first part compares the difference and relationship among metaphor, parable and other rhetorical figures, then gives my own definition of metaphor synthesizing the father scholars’ discuss on metaphor. The second part discusses the type of metaphor in scientific and technological texts. This part describes two different types of metaphor: lexical metaphor and grammatical metaphor. The third part individually discusses characteristics of lexical metaphor and grammatical metaphor in scientific and technological texts by comparing with those in non-scientific and non-technological texts. The fourth part is "function of metaphor in scientific and technological texts". This part is emphasis of the whole paper and relationship between metaphor and cognition is also mainly embodied in this part. As a style aiming at revealing how people know the world, cognitive function is fully embodied in scientific and technological texts.Moreover, to some degree this research will do benefit to develop textual linguistics and textual information disposal further.

【关键词】 词汇隐喻语法隐喻特征功能认知
【Key words】 lexical metaphorgrammatical metaphorcharacteristicfunctioncognition
  • 【分类号】H05
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】466