

The Competitive Tactics of the Financial Periodicals in China at the Present Stage

【作者】 黄晓玲

【导师】 刘九洲; 喻发胜;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国经济的高速发展营造了财经期刊生存的社会空间,培育了人们的购买欲望,期刊杂志的发展为财经期刊的产生贮备了专业人才和技术。 中国财经期刊市场自由竞争的时代开始到来,竞争高度激烈。少数财经杂志抢占了市场的先机,实力越来越强,初步展露强势主流媒体的发展趋势。 现阶段我国财经期刊内容同质化严重,我国的新闻媒体又普遍面临着国有体制和机制的严重束缚,高素质的经营人才稀缺。不难预见,财经期刊的市场之路仍很艰辛。 财经期刊向谁要“财”?我国财经期刊各施高招: 一是以内容取胜,打造财经期刊的强势品牌,最为成功的典型是《商业周刊》。《商业周刊》的竞争策略在于它的“封面故事”独一无二,对全球经济现象的分析和预测如“新经济”概念的提出,往往成为人们谈论经济事件和经济现象的世界标准。 中国的代表是《财经》杂志。《财经》对于资本市场在中国的成长变化给予特别的关注,关注上市公司,以“揭秘”的方式来制造轰动效应是《财经》的风格,《财经》在以媒体的力量对抗证券市场的博弈中,靠“打别人”使自己的品牌获得了前所未有的张扬。 二是用独特的经营手段争取市场份额。财经期刊成功地开发衍生产品,《财富》的“财富500强排行榜”和“财富全球论坛”,不仅是独树一帜的财经媒体衍生产品,而且成为经济趋势的风向标和商业精英聚会的盛宴,对全球的经济影响甚至超过了杂志本身。《福布斯》的成功之处在于敢于以独特的方式做所有人都认为“不可能完成的任务”,推出的“富豪榜”收尽天下富豪。本土《销售与市场》的“中国营销人金鼎奖”和《慧聪商情》的“商情”系列衍生产品的开发,在业界和社会上引起很大的反响。⑧糕糕S 未来我国财经期刊将向出版业以外的产业发展,形成产业化的链条,期刊本身发展成为以出版为龙头的产业集团,出版产业外的收入将会成为其主要的收入来源;资本运作开始介入期刊的经营。

【Abstract】 The high speed development of China economy has built the social space in which the financial periodicals exist in, and cultivated the desire of purchase of people. The development of periodicals and magazines has brought the financial periodicals to pass since it has stored up many specialized talents and technologies.The times of free competition of the financial periodicals has been really arrived in China, and the competition is extraordinary violent. A few magazines has raced to control the good chance of the market, increased its real strength, and initially emerged the development tendency of main current media who has strong power.At the present stage, the problem of the similar content of the financial periodicals is very critical in our country, and generally the news mediums have been faced with the bondage of the state-owned mechanism and organization. It’s not hard to foresee that it is still very hard to run the market of the financial periodicals.Ask who for the "money" of the financial periodicals? Each magazine has its wise means:One way is to win a victory by the content, and make the strong brand. The most succeed typical example is the <<Commerce Weekly>> . The competitive tactics of <<Commerce Weekly>> depend on its unique "cover story". Its analysis and predicts of the global economy phenomenon, just as the advance of the concept "new economy", frequently becomes the standard in the world when people discuss the financial events and economy phenomenon.The represent in China is the magazine <<Finance and Economics>> . It gives the special concern to the growing and change of the capital market in China. Be concerned about the company which has gone on sale; make the stir by the way of "reveal the secret", all that is the style of the <<Finance and Economics>> . As a strength of the media, in the competition meeting with the stock market, <<Finance and Economics>> made its own brand got unprecedented exaggeration by the way of"beating others".The other way is fighting for the share of the market by the unique operation and management. Financial periodicals developed evolved production successfully. For example, "the top 500 of fortune" and "the global forum of fortune", is not only the evolved productions which have developed a school of their own, but also became the direction of the wind and the grand ceremony of the picked excellent people’s meeting. Its influence to the global economy even has exceeded the magazine itself. The succession of <<Focus>> is determined by its courage to accomplish the mission that everyone thought it can not be fulfilled, and put out the "the list of names of wealth" which include all the rich man in the world, "the golden prize of the Chinese sell man" developed by the local<<Sell and Market>>, and the serials of the "Commerce Situation" developed by the magazine <<The Intelligence Commerce Situation>> has lead to big resound in the profession and society.In the future, the financial periodicals in China will develop to the estate beside the publish industry, to form the chain of industry. The periodicals itself will develop as a industry group in which the publish industry is a leader of a sect, the income beside the publish industry will become the main revenue source; the movement of capital will get involved in the engagement of the periodicals.

【关键词】 财经期刊品牌市场竞争经营
【Key words】 Finance and Economicsperiodicalsbrandmarketcompetitionmanagement
  • 【分类号】G239.2
  • 【被引频次】3
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