

A Study on Raising the Proportion of the Mid-Income Group

【作者】 李连根

【导师】 李良明;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 党的十六大首次提出了扩大中等收入者比重问题。这是一个具有重要理论意义和现实意义的研究课题。它不仅丰富和发展了邓小平共同富裕理论,体现了“三个代表”重要思想的根本要求。而且也是社会稳定的基础和经济发展的“助推器”,是促进先进文化的消费和创造的动力。 中等收入者是我国社会在某一时期按收入差距划分处于中等收入水平的社会成员。一定的收入水平是中等收入者适宜的划分标准。中等收入者是一个动态概念,同一地域不同时期,同一时期在不同地区,中等收入状况不同。目前,可以以家庭人均收入水平1-4万元作为确定中等收入者的标准。扩大中等收入者的具体目标是逐步将我国中等收入者比重由目前的18%提高到40%左右。 我国的中等收入者存在于各个行业。未来20年至少有七类人将构成中等收入者群体:科技发明人和科技企业家;金融服务等企业管理人员;律师、分析师、会计师、工程师、建筑师和高级技工;学术团体或机构中的高中级知识分子;党政机关公务员和事业单位的高中层管理人员及科研人员;外企和外企服务机构的高中级管理人员;私营企业家和农村工商业者等。我们应让尽可能多的企业职工和农民进入中等收入者行列。 扩大中等收入者比重还存在一些障碍。一是人口多、底子薄、生产力不发达。二是收入分配体制障碍。表现在收入分配体制不完善,收入差距明显扩大;收入分配关系尚未理顺;按要素分配的收入比重不大;社会保障制度不完善;竞争机制不健全,尤其是教育机会不平等。三是平均主义思想影响。 扩大中等收入者比重首先要靠经济发展。要实现国内生产总值到2020年比2000年翻两番的目标,必须保持国民经济年均7.2%的增长速度。实现这一目标,必须毫不动摇地发展公有制经济,让工人和农民加入中等收入者群体。必须毫不动摇地鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济发展。必须继续引导、鼓励一部分人通过诚实劳动和合法经营先富裕起来。⑧硕士学位论文M人STER,ST}IESIS 扩大中等收入者比重的关键在于提高低收入者收入、合理调整高收入者收入。初次分配注重效率,加快国有企业分配制度创新,建立科学合理的工资制度;切实贯彻按劳分配为主、按要素贡献分配相结合的原则;维护农民合法权益,增加农民收入。再次分配注重公平,建立和完善严格的税收体制及收入调节机制,加强政府对收入分配的调节,合理调整高收入者收入;健全社会保障制度,建立以失业保障制度为重点的新型的失业、养老、医疗等社会保障制度。 增加就业,鼓励创业,培植中等收入者。政府应根据经济形势变化,调整宏观调控目标,实施积极就业政策;调整经济结构,提高就业率;加快城镇化进程,增加农民就业;加强劳动力市场建设,规范劳动力市场秩序。加强教育和培训,增强劳动者的就业与创业能力。

【Abstract】 The 16th party congress for the first time put forward the problem of raising the proportion of mid-income group, which is an important research task with theoretical and practical signification. It not only enriches and develops DengXiaoPing’s theory on how to become rich collaboratively and embodies the essential requirement of important thought of "Three Represents". It is also the foundation of a stable society the propeller of developing economy, and consuming and creating impetus of advanced culture.The mid-income group is those who receive moderate income according to the income level in a certain period. Certain income level is the suitable division standard for mid-income group. The catalog of the mid-income group is a dynamic concept. In the same region of different periods or in the same period of different regions, mid-income situations are different. At present, the mid-income standard can be achieved at per capital income 10-40 thousand yuan of a family. The concrete aim to expand mid-income group is to increase the proportion of mid-income group from 18% to 40% gradually.The mid-income group exists in all walks of life. There are kinds of people at least will constitute the mid-income group in the 20 years in the future. They are scientific investors and enterprisers; accountants, engineers, architects and advanced technicians, high and middle rank intellectuals; employees in government and managers in organizations and scientific researchers; foreign enterprises and managers in such enterprises; private enterprises and people working in industry and commerce, and so on. By and large, the enterprises’ staff and farmers should become the members of such mid-income group as many as possible.There are still some problems to raise the proportion of the mid-income group. The first problem is our large population, poor foundation and undeveloped productive force. The second is the problems of income distribution system. It shows that the system remains to be imperfect, and the income gap has been obviously expanded; Things have not yet to be straightened out in the matter of income distribution. The income proportion isn’t large by factor distribution. The social security system is also imperfect. There isn’t a fair sound competitive system especially the fair choices of education. The third is the influence of the equalitarian. All are the problems of raising the proportion of the mid-income group.To expand the mid-income group, economy should be developed in the first place. In order to achieve the objective that GDP of 2020 should quadruple that of 2000, and the national economic growth rate should be kept at 7.2%. In order to achieve this objective, public ownership sector should be developed without any vacillation. As a result, workers and peasants can be members of mid-income group. And non-public ownership sector should be encouraged, supported and guided without any vacillation. We should continue to guide and encourage some citizens to become rich through hard working and lawfully handle business.The key to raise the proportion of the mid-income group is to raise the low-income group’s income and that of high-income group reasonably. The first distributions focus on efficiency; speed up the renovation of the stated-owned enterprises’ distribution system; establish scientific and reasonable wage system; practically implement the distribution policy of combination of mainly distributing by labor and also distributing by essential factors; safeguard farmers’ legal rights and raise their income. The second distributions focus on equality. It is necessary for government to establish and perfect the strict tax revenue system and income adjustment system. To strengthen government’s adjustment on income distribution; adjust the high-income group’s income reasonably; perfect the social security system and establish new social security system including unemployment,providing medical care for the aged and so on; which the main focus is on unemployment security system. We

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