

Research & Development on the Elementary and Secondary School Educational Information Processing System

【作者】 秦新燕

【导师】 赵呈领;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着新世纪的到来,人类进入了信息社会。它不仅对教育提出了新的要求,同时也为教育的发展创造了条件,提供了环境。教师是学生的先导,加强教师的信息能力培养是顺利实现教育信息化的关键。因此,新型教师必须具备良好的教育信息处理能力,这是我们希望进行中小学教育信息处理系统研究与开发的初衷。 在开始中小学教育信息处理系统的设计开发前,我们针对中小学教师对教育信息处理方法的认识及用于指导教学实践的情况,在武汉汉阳三中和河南油田一中的教师中进行了一定的调研工作。发现目前教育信息处理在中小学教师中的了解程度和运用情况不是很好,但他们又非常希望用先进的教育处理方法获取更加实用的信息,从而更精细的掌握学生学习表象下那些实质性的东西,提高自己的教学能力。 计算机作为通用办公设备,已经或正在许多中小学普及。利用计算机的强大功能,可以大大提高处理工作效率,进行许多以前难以实现的处理方法。同时,在调研中我们也了解到许多教师非常希望多一些“傻瓜型”软件,这样才能方便应用,从而更好的提高自己的教育信息处理能力。 因此,根据对教学实践的亲身体验和对教育信息科学理论的研究,我们使用高效的编程工具VB6.0和SQL2000,设计开发了中小学教育信息处理系统软件。该软件的开发以成熟的教育信息处理理论为依据,其操作界面简便容易上手,数据呈现直观清楚,可作为教师信息处理,尤其是测试信息处理和分析的辅助工具。本文重点介绍了软件中的等价选项个数分析、信度分析、区分度分析、分数的原始分和标准分的转换、回归分析、聚类分析和SP表分析等处理方法的软件开发,详细说明了支持系统运作的后台数据库的建设及其与前台程序的连接。并且使用信息熵、回归分析和SP表分析的应用案例详细解释了如何使用本系统进行教育信息处理方面的应用研究。 最后,要注意的是教育系统是一种以人为主要研究对象的复杂系统,它具有复杂性、多样性和模糊性的特点。在教育信息处理时,不仅要注意教学过程中的各种数据,更要注意潜藏在这些数据背后的学生的思想动态。因此,中小硕士学位论文MASTER’5 THESIS⑧学教师在进行教育信息处理的过程中,不仅要利用这些处理工具对日常的教育信息进行加工,更要结合自己的教学工作多对比、多思考、多调查从而创造性地指导实践。 本文详细阐述了教育信息处理系统的关键技术和实践开发过程。文章第一章通过问卷调查等形式对系统做了必要的需求分析。第二章简要介绍了系统所基于的理论。第三章主要是对系统作出总体规划,并简介了一些处理方法的数学模型。第四章详细说明了系统功能模块的技术开发。第五章以学生信息报表的制作讨论了系统的报表开发。第六章主要介绍了本系统的后台数据库设计一。第七章我们通过三个案例对信息嫡、回归分析和SP表分析做了详细研究。第八章作出总结。

【Abstract】 With the new century’s coming, mankind enters the Information Society and it not only puts forward the new request to the education but also creates favorable condition and environment for educational development. Teachers are students’ forerunners, so how to enhance teachers’ information competence is the key to realize Education Informatization smoothly. Teachers should have the good abilities of processing educational information, and this is the original intention that we want to engage the research and development on educational information processing system in the elementary and secondary school.Before developing the elementary and secondary school educational information processing system, we proceeded some investigation in the third high school of Hanyang and the first high school of Henan Oil-field on the conditions that the teachers learn methods of educational information processing in these elementary and secondary school. We found that the cognition and usage was not very well. At the same time, these teachers wanted urgently to amend or replace gradually the rough while wasting much time and energy processing methods by using advanced educational processing means. Then they could master more accurately those substance things from students’ representation and enhance their own teaching abilities.Computer has been popularized or is popularizing universally in many elementary and secondary schools. By making use of computer’s strong function, it can increase processing efficiency consumedly and realize many hard processing method. At the same time, we also learn that many teachers hope very much to apply much more "simpleton type" software from the investigation. It can improve their abilities of educational information processing.Therefore, according to the personal experiences of teaching practices and the research of educational information, we use efficient programming tools: VB6.0 & SQL2000 to design the software of the elementary and secondary school educational information processing system. The development of this software is based on the mature educational information processing theories. Its operation interface is simple to undertake easily, the data can be presented clearly, so it can be the good tool of teachers’information processing, particularly test information processing. This paper introduces mainly some processing methods’ development such as Equivalent Options Number Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Distinction Degree Analysis, the Conversion between primitive score and standard score,Regression Analysis, Hierarchical Cluster Analysis, SP Form Analysis and so on. It elaborates on the database’s buildup that supports the system’s operation and the conjunction to the stage procedure. And we make use of these cases such as Information Entropy, Hierarchical Cluster Analysis, SP Form Analysis and so on to define how to make research in educational information processing by using this system.The last should be adverted is that the education system is a kind of complicated system that has the characteristics of complexity, variety and faintness. As processing every kind of educational information , we should not only notice the data produced in teaching process but also notice students’ dynamic thought under the data. Therefore, they should not only make use of these tools to process the usual educational information but also combine their own teaching work to contrast more, consider more and investigate more when they engage these educational information processing. Then they can guide their practices availably.This dissertation mainly expounds the key technologies in the elementary and secondary school educational information processing system and the development process of it. In the first chapter, it does necessary analysis to the system by the questionnaire. In the second chapter ,it introduces the theories used by the system. In the third chapter, it mostly designs from collectivity. In the fourth chapter, it expatiates the development of these models. In the fifth chapter,

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
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