

Procedural Safeguard of the Constitutional Rights of Chinese Citizens

【作者】 傅恒

【导师】 杨泉明;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先分析论述了公民宪法权利程序保障的一般理论。在该部分中集中阐述了正当程序原则、程序性权利的概念、特征、功用和价值,在此基础之上,提出了在对公民宪法权利的程序保障中,实现正当程序原则、程序性权利与各部门法协调统一的原则和措施。其次,本文对英美法系和大陆法系的公民宪法权利程序保障模式进行了比较研究。在本部分比较研究中,笔者首先从宏观上进行分类,将主要西方国家的公民宪法权利程序保障模式分为英美法系和大陆法系分别予以考察,然后在微观上作历时性和共时性研究,在其差异性比较的基础上,将两大法系的公民宪法权利程序保障模式概括为:正当程序模式和严格规则主义模式,并进一步分析各种模式所折射出的价值观及其利弊,为建构具有中国特色的公民宪法权利程序保障模式提供参考和借鉴。最后,本文运用二分法对我国公民宪法权利的实现现状做了具体分析。文章集中指出:一方面我国在公民宪法权利的保障上已取得了一定的成就,另一方面也存在着公民程序意识淡薄以及宪法中有关公民权利程序保障条款不完善的弊端,并对此进行了深层的原因探析。针对造成这一结果的成因,结合两大法系公民宪法权利程序保障模式的经验,进一步提出了建构以正当程序原则为指导,以公民程序性权利为主要内容,以部门法为具体实现依托的科学、规范、完善的程序保障体系总目标和具体的健全完善措施。

【Abstract】 First,this paper makes an analysis of the general theories of,which focuses on expounding the concepts,charecteristics,functions and values of the principle of the due process of law and procedural rights.On the basis of this discussion ,this part also puts forward the principles and measures on the realization of the due process of law ,procedural rights and the branches of law in the process of procedural safeguard of the constitutional rights of citizens.Second, a comparative study has been made on the safeguard patterns between the commom law system and the civil law system . In this part ,a classfication has been made macroscopically in which the procedural safeguard patterns of the constitutional rights of citizens in western contries has been divided into two parts : the commom law system and the civil law system,and an investigation of these two law systems has been made respetively .Then macroscopically,a diachronic and synchronic research have been conducted . On the basis of comparison of the procedural safeguard patterns of the constitutional rights of citizens between the two law systems have been summarized as legitimate procedure pattern and strict regulation pattern . Furthermore, a deeper analysis of the value ,advantages and disadvantages of the two different patterns has been made ,which can be used for reference in the constitution of the procedural safeguard pattern of the constituional rights of citizens with Chinese characteristics.On the one hand ,achievements have been made in the procedural safeguard of the constituional rights of citizens;On the other hand ,chinese citizens lack the awareness of procedure and there is imperfection of regulations of the constitutional rights of citizens in costitution . A deeper analysis of the cause of this situation has also been made . In view of the cause ,the final part proposes concrete healthy and sound measures and ascientific standard and perfect general goal of procedural safeguard system which focused on the procedural rights of citizens ,is guided by the principle of the due process of law and relied on the support of the branches of law.

  • 【分类号】D921
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】326