

Theoretic Analysis and Application Research on Energy Dissipating Restraint

【作者】 彭凌云

【导师】 周锡元;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 摘 要 向心式摩擦阻尼器(EDR)具有一些不同于常见阻尼器的特点:采用不同的参数配置,可以提供多种滞回模型。其中三角形滞回模型和双旗帜形滞回模型具有自回位功能,即完全卸载后,阻尼器不存在残余变形;另外具有三角形滞回性能的单元实际上是一种变刚度单元,可通过被动方式在一定程度上实现的半主动控制。本文从被动耗能减震的角度对向心式摩擦阻尼器的三种滞回模型(三角形、双旗帜形和矩形滞回模型)的减震性能进行研究,包括以下几个方面的内容: 详细介绍向心式摩擦阻尼器提供三角形、双旗帜形和矩形滞回模型时的参数配置情况;通过阻尼器内部元件静力平衡分析,推导了三角形和双旗帜形滞回模型中加载刚度、卸载刚度与阻尼器构造参数之间的对应关系,给出了加载刚度和卸载刚度的计算公式,为阻尼器的设计和制造提供依据。并基于这些公式,研究了 5 个构造参数对加载刚度的影响,讨论了如何提高向心式摩擦阻尼器出力吨位;进行了拟静力试验研究,实现了上述三种滞回模型,并对刚度公式进行了初步的验证; 对具有矩形、三角形滞回性能的单自由度体系的自由振动以及具有矩形、三角形和双旗帜形滞回性能的单自由度系统的稳态响应进行了研究和讨论,推导了三种滞回模型的等效参数的计算公式,这三方面的研究结果定性的描述了三种滞回模型的特性及其减震性能; 为计算包含滞回单元结构体系的地震响应,本文较为详细地研究了当非线性单元的滞回模型为分段线性函数时,求解此类系统动力响应的四种非线性算法,包括 Newton-Raphson 法、虚拟荷载迭代法、近似寻找拐点的非迭代方法以及精确寻找拐点的非迭代方法。对四种算法的计算精度、效率进行了比较,对各算法在编程中应该注意的问题进行了说明,给出了实现三种滞回模型的程序代码。 通过数值模拟计算,基于非线性反应谱,研究了三角形滞回模型的三个刚度、双旗帜形滞回模型的起滑力、矩形滞回模型的起滑力和过渡刚度这 6 个参数对包含它们的结构系统的动力响应的影响。研究结果表明:滞回参数对减震效果的影响与线性结构周期 T 在线性反应谱中对应的位置有关,当 T 位于结构某项反应谱的上升段时,增大滞回单元等效刚度可以减小结构的该反应,反之,则将增大结构该项反应。 从特定地震激励下的减震效果以及地震强度变化时减震效果的变化情况这两个方面对三角形、双旗帜形和矩形滞回单元的减震性能进行了比较,结果表明矩形滞回单元具有很好的减震效果,但其减震效果随地震强度的增加而减弱;三角形和双旗帜形滞回单元的减震效果随地震强度的变化很小。因而,在不能准确 - I -<WP=5>北京工业大学工学硕士学位论文预料地震强度时,本文认为三角形和双旗帜形滞回单元较矩形滞回单元更具优势。最后,本文对三角形滞回单元在相邻结构减震控制中的应用进行了研究:推导了两个单自由度互联结构体系在简谐力作用下的稳态响应解,并对连接单元的刚度、阻尼参数以及相邻结构的周期比对互联体系稳态响应的影响进行了讨论,并在此基础上通过数值模拟,讨论了三角形滞回单元在相邻结构减震控制中的应用范围。结果表明:当地震能量比较集中时,不宜采用互联结构形式进行减震。

【Abstract】 Energy Dissipating Restraint (EDR) has some specialty which differs from normalenergy dissipating device. This device is able to provide several forms of hystereticcharacteristics. The triangular and double flag hysteretic modes have the capacity ofself-centering, that is to say, after totally unloaded to naught, the residual deformationof the device tends zero. In the addition, the element with triangular hystereticbehavior enables to provide AVS control by passive method. Some researches onseismic resistant performance of EDR with rectangular, triangular and double flaghysteretic behaviors are conducted in this paper. These related researches include:Introducing in detail how to yield the triangular, double flag, rectangular hystereticmodes; according static equilibrium of interior element of EDR, deducing someformulation to calculate the loading-stiffness and unloading-stiffness based on theconstitution models. These formulations provide help for designing and fabricatingEDR. On the basis of these formulations, the influence of model parameters onloading-stiffness and unloading-stiffness is studied; furthermore, the approach forimproving the max restore force of EDR is discussed. Quasi-static tests on an EDRare conducted in this dissertation, and all the three above hysteresis loops areobserved. The calculated stiffness is preliminary proved by the experimental results.The free vibration of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system with rectangular,triangular hysteretic behaviors and the steady-state response of SDOF system withthree above hysteretic behaviors are studded, respectively. And equivalent parametersof three hysteretic modes are derived. These works provide some insight to these threehysteretic modes and their seismic resistant performance.To calculate the earthquake response of structures equipped hysteretic elements whosehysteretic modes are piece-wise, the algorithms conducting nonlinear dynamicanalysis are investigated, which include: Newton-raphson method, pseudo loadmethod, non-iterate approach in search of stiffness turn point by approximate oraccurate solution. The calculating precision and efficiency of these four methods arecompared. Besides, this paper emphasizes some problems which should be kept inmind when programming in accordance of these algorithms, and show the method ofhow to calculate the restore force for three hysteretic elements.Based on nonlinear response spectra analysis, parametric studies are preformed. Theimpact on structural earthquake response of six parameters are investigated, whichinclude loading-stiffness, unloading-stiffness, transition-stiffness of triangularhysteretic element, slip-force of double flag hysteretic element, and slip-force,transition-stiffness of rectangular hysteretic element. The results indicate that theparameter influence of the hysteretic modes on structural response is related to whatposition of linear structural period (T) is located on response spectra. If T closes to the - III -<WP=7>北京工业大学工学硕士学位论文period zone in which the gradient of certain response spectrum curve is positive, toincrease the equivalent stiffness of hysteretic element enables to decrease thisresponse, and otherwise, it will result in the response increasing.The comparisons of seismic resistant performance of the three hysteretic elements areconducted in two cases: one is that the intensity of earthquake is known, and the otheris that the intensity is unpredictable. The results show that: in the first case rectangularelement can get well control effect, but as the peak ground acceleration (PGA)increasing, the control effect decrease. But for triangular and double flag hystereticelement, the control effect has little change as PGA altering. So, when the intensity ofearthquake can’t exactly forecast, the triangular and double flag element should beadopted.At the last part, this paper investigates the application of triangular

  • 【分类号】TU352.1
  • 【被引频次】20
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