

The Study of Theory and Experiment in Small Power Single-Chip Switching Power Supply

【作者】 宋鑫欣

【导师】 沈光地;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 摘 要当今开关电源正向着集成化、智能化的方向发展,高度集成、功能强大的单片开关电源代表着当今开关电源发展的主流方向。本论文围绕当前流行的单片开关电源芯片进行了小功率开关电源的研究。从理论和实验两方面较为深入地研究了单片集成开关稳压电源的特性,设计出一种实用的双路输出精密复合式开关稳压电源,可用作半导体激光器驱动电源中的精密电压源。该电源采用三端单片开关电源芯片——TOPSwitch-Ⅱ器件作为前级稳压器,给低压差线性稳压器 LT1528 提供直流输入电压,然后利用低压差线性稳压器 LT1528 获得高质量的稳压输出。对该电源的滤波、整流、反馈、软启动及保护电路等分别作了细致的研究工作,并通过反复试验取得了高频变压器设计的宝贵经验,掌握了单片开关电源设计的核心技术。就如何抑制开关电源输出电压纹波较大,提出了一些较为行之有效的方案和措施,并进行了相关实验。根据 TOPSwitch-Ⅱ器件的特殊要求,进行了印制电路板的设计,得出了该电源 PCB 布线的指导思想,这对于开关电源的研究设计是十分重要的。在三端单片开关电源理论与实验的基础上,采用五端单片开关电源芯片——TOPSwitch-FX 作为核心器件进行了单片开关电源智能化的初步研究,提出一种智能化多路输出开关稳压电源的设计方案。该电源主要利用 TOPSwitch-FX 芯片的多功能端 M 实现电源的智能化控制,具有对运行的开关电路进行监测、显示电源状态和全程控制的功能,并能进行故障自诊断、对电源实现自动保护。论文从该智能化多路输出开关稳压电源主电路的设计,高频变压器的设计,单片机控制系统的软硬件设计等几个方面作了较为详细的论述。

【Abstract】 Single-chip switching power supply Integrated Circuit is the latest evolved In theworld. It has the virtues of high integration level, most cost effective lowestcomponent count switcher solution, high performance, forming high efficiency powersupply and so on. It has widely application over the world. The latest single-chipswitching power supply devices of Power Integration are investigated particularly inthe thesis. The paper includes the following four parts: Introduce the history and the develop trend of the single-chip switching powersupply, and the classify of switching power supply circuit, and its work principle. Introduce the products of single-chip switching power supply. Analyse the workprinciple of single-chip switching power supply. Especially, introduce the inside fabricand characteristic of TOPSwitch-Ⅱ and TOPSwitch-FX. Having overcome the disadvantages of ponderous, inefficient linear power source,switching power supplies are widely applied in many fields. But the rippie and lowprecision make it impossible to replace linear power source completely. Thecombination switching power supply with double outputs is designed in this paper.This power supply has not only the advantage of the general switching power supplybut also the high perfect stability in voltage. It can be applied to the power supply ofdiode laster. The design of high frequency transformer is a key technique of thesingle-chip switching power supply. The application of an apt transformer canimprove the performance of power supply and is one of the directions of precise source.According to the special demands of TOPSwitch-Ⅱ device, the devices are arranged androuted properly in the PCB board. A multi-output switching power supply controlled by the single-chip computer isalso introduced in this paper. which is an good circuit to illustrate the main techniquesof digital controlled intelligent source module. The power supply utilize themulti-function foot——M of TOPSwitch-FX device and the single-chip computerAT89C51 to realize the intelligent control of the multi-output power supply.

  • 【分类号】TN86
  • 【被引频次】11
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