

The Study of Cohesive Strength of Decorated Tiles on the Exterior Wall Insulation System

【作者】 武海坤

【导师】 陈向东;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 摘 要 外墙外保温技术是一种最早诞生于 16 世纪欧洲的建筑节能技术,在上世纪70 年代石油危机后逐渐得到人们的重视,最近经过几十年的发展愈加成熟。随着我国建筑节能工作的深入推进,我国将该技术引进,并进行了改进。目前,外墙外保温技术已经在全国各地得到越来越广泛的应用。国内外对其各项性能都进行了比较深入的研究,但是大部分集中在体系的保温性、耐候性等方面。而对在外墙外保温上所粘贴饰面砖的粘结强度和饰面砖在地震作用和风荷载作用下的粘结安全性没有进行系统性的研究。本文结合目前国内应用较为广泛的外墙外保温形式:钢丝网架聚苯板外墙外保温,通过静力试验、模拟地震振动台试验和ANSYS 有限元分析几种方法对外保温上粘贴饰面砖在承受水平、竖直荷载下与钢丝网架聚苯板的粘结强度进行了比较系统深入的研究。 静力试验结果表明:普通抹面砂浆层与钢丝网架聚苯板的粘结强度是整个外保温体系粘结强度的最薄弱层。对于垂直于墙面的粘结强度而言,由于最终破坏是由于抹面砂浆层破坏,而钢丝网架和 L 型钢筋变形较小,所以作为起加强连接作用的钢丝网架和 L 型钢筋对提高垂直与墙面的粘结荷载的作用不是很大。对于平行于墙面的粘结强度而言,由于在这个方向抹面砂浆层与钢丝网架的粘结性、整体性较好,砂浆层与聚苯板粘结破坏以后发生滑移时,会带动钢丝网架与 L型钢筋发生很大的弯曲变形。因此钢丝网架和 L 型钢筋能更有效的提高平行于墙面的粘结强度。但是,无论在哪个方向抹面砂浆层与聚苯板发生粘结破坏后,钢丝网架与 L 型钢筋都可以防止抹面砂浆层及其上的饰面层堕下伤人。 振动台试验结果表明:由于钢丝网架聚苯板的刚度较大,使得整个外保温体系的自振频率很高,远远大于建筑结构的自振频率和实际地震的主要频率,因此在地震中钢丝网架聚苯板外保温体系及其上的饰面砖是随建筑物同步运动的,不需要考虑二者的动力耦合效应。粘贴在钢丝网架聚苯板上的饰面砖所受的荷载就是建筑物在地震作用下的动力输出。试验结果也表明在加速度为 0.1g、0.2g 和0.4g 地震波作用下,粘贴在钢丝网架聚苯板上的饰面砖未发生任何松动、脱落现象。 I<WP=5>北京工业大学大学工学硕士学位论文本文最后依据国家规范,对计算高层建筑外墙外保温所受地震作用和风荷载的方法作出一些初步的探讨;利用有限元分析软件 ANSYS 对静力试验进行了数值模拟,将模拟结果与试验结果进行了对比。

【Abstract】 EIFS(Exterior wall insulation system ) is a structure power-saving technologywhich was first bore in Europe in BC.17.After last century ’s oil crisis EIFSgradually achieve more attentions .Lately with a few decades development it isbecoming more mature .With the population of structure energy conservation athome , EIFS was introduced into our country and is developing in the use .Now,engineers both at broad and at home have taken relatively in-depth researches in eachterm performance of EIFS ,but lots of them focus on the heat retaining ability and theweather ability , few on the cohesive strength of decorative tiles on EIFS and thecohesive strength security under earthquake effect and wind load . This article take the most population exterior wall insulation system at home:wire mesh frame filler polystyrene broad exterior wall insulation system for example,through static test 、simulated earthquake vibration table test and finite elementanalysis by the ANSYS software, relatively in-depth study the cohesive strengthbetween the decorative tiles and polystyrene broad under the horizontal directionload and the elevation direction load . The results of the static test show the cohesive strength between the commonfinishing bedding mortar and polystyrene broad is the weakest layer of the cohesivestrength of the exterior wall insulation system .For the cohesive strength in thedirection normal to wall face ,because the eventual failure is the finishing beddingmortar destroy ,the distortion of the wire mesh frame and the L-type steel bars aresmall, the reinforced effect of wire mesh frame and the L-type steel bars to enhancethe cohesive strength is weak. For the cohesive strength in the direction parallel to thewall face ,because in this direction the caking ability between the finishing beddingmortar and wire mesh frame is satisfactory ,when the finishing bedding mortar slipafter the cohesive failure with the polystyrene broad ,it would make wire mesh frameand the L-type steel bars happen prodigious flexural deformation. So, the failure inthis direction can make full use of the material strength of wire mesh frame and the III<WP=7>北京工业大学大学工学硕士学位论文L-type steel bars. While after either direction failure the wire mesh frame andL-type steel bars can prevent the finishing bedding mortar and decorative coat fellingdown and injuring human. The results of vibration table test show that because the angular rigidity ofthe wire mesh frame filler polystyrene board is great ,result in the entire exteriorwall insulation system ’s natural vibration frequency is also great, it is greater thanthe structures’natural vibration frequency and the main frequency of the earthquake.In the earthquake, exterior wall insulation system of wire mesh filler polystyrenebroad and the decorative tiles on it make the synchronized motion with buildings. Itneed not consider the dynamic coupling effect. The load putting on the decorative tilessticking to the wire mesh frame filler polystyrene board in the earthquake is thebuildings’dynamic output under the earthquake effect. The decorative tiles were notunstuck and fell off under the shock of the earthquake wave of 0.1g、0.2g and0.4g. At last this article discussed the calculating method of the earthquake effect andthe wind load according to the codes of the people republic of China; Simulatingthe static test by using finite element analysis software ANSYS, comparing the resultsof numerical simulation with the result of static test.

  • 【分类号】TU761
  • 【被引频次】7
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