

The Study on Relative Factors and Inteiventions of Maternal Mortality Ratio in Liaoning Province between 1998~2003 Year

【作者】 田宏

【导师】 陈惠池;

【作者基本信息】 中国医科大学 , 妇产科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 前言 孕产妇死亡率是衡量一个国家和地区社会、经济、文化发展及卫生保健水平的重要指标,国际社会极为重视这一领域的研究。为了掌握辽宁省孕产妇死亡率和死亡原因的动态变化规律,分析孕产妇死亡的人群特征与影响因素,以便有针对性的制定降低孕产妇死亡率的干预措施而开展了全省1998~2003年所有孕产妇死亡病例的研究。 对象及方法 资料来自辽宁省孕产妇死亡报告和评审制度,采用流行病学横断面研究方法。 1.研究对象 户口为辽宁省内或已在本地居住达1年以上的非本地户口孕产妇,从确定妊娠开始直至产后42天者均作为研究对象。 2.研究内容 2.1 辽宁省1998~2003年度的活产数、孕产妇死亡数。 2.2 辽宁省1998~2003年度孕产妇的死亡原因。 2.3 辽宁省1998~2003年度孕产妇死亡的人群分布特点。 2.4 辽宁省1998~2003年度死亡孕产妇接受卫生保健服务情况。 3.资料的收集 3.1 渠道:由地段(村)→社区(乡)→区(县)→市→省,建立以各级妇幼保健机构为中心的活产统计及孕产妇死亡报告系统。 3.2 报告时间与报告内容:以季度为单位统计上报《活产和孕产妇死亡季报表》和《孕产妇死亡报告卡》。 3.3 孕产妇死亡评审方法:采用世界卫生组织推荐的“十二格表法”分别进行县区、市、省三级死亡评审,并据此制定干预措施。 4.质量控制 每年分别进行县区、市、省级三级质量控制。结果 1.孕产妇死亡率 辽宁省1998一2003年发生孕产妇死亡405例,6年平均孕产妇死亡率为29 .47/10万。动态观察6年孕产妇死亡率呈下降趋势,由1998年的37.50/10万下降到2003年的25.01/10万,差异显著(P<0.05)。但2001一2003年死亡率下降无显著差异(P>0 .05)。 2.孕产妇死亡原因 辽宁省1998一2003年孕产妇死亡前6位主要死因及死亡专率依次为:羊水栓塞,死亡专率为7.12/l0万;产后出血,死亡专率为3.50/10万(占产科出血的67.44%);妊娠高血压综合征(妊高征),死亡专率为3.02/10万;妊娠合并心脏病,死亡专率为2.05/10万;妊娠合并肝脏疾病,死亡专率为1 .75/10万;血栓性肺栓塞,死亡专率为1.27/ro万。前后3年死亡专率对比只有产后出血死亡专率下降有显著性差异(P<0.05)。 3.医疗和保健措施与死亡率 早孕期未得到保健者孕产妇死亡率是早孕期即开始保健者的15.33倍(P<0.005);孕期从未接受保健者死亡率是有保健者的8 .17倍(P<0.005);未住院分娩与住院分娩相比死亡率增高1 .61倍(P<0.005)。 4.死亡孕产妇特征别构成 孕产妇年龄在25一30岁组死亡率为13.05/l0万,而年龄为30一35岁、35岁以上、20岁以下组孕产妇死亡率分别是25一30岁组的3.34倍、6.92倍、9.82倍;死亡孕产妇中孕次多3次者占32.35%;经产妇和初产妇分别占48.40%和51.60%;农业人口占82.%%;文化程度在初中及其以下者占84.69%;家庭人均月收人不足200元者占54.07%;计划内和计划外妊娠分别占79.75%和20.25%。讨论 1.辽宁省孕产妇死亡率与国内外比较 据报道,世界平均孕产妇死亡率是430/l0万,发展中国家平均孕产妇死亡率为480/10万,发达国家平均孕产妇死亡率为27/10万。根据中国孕产妇死亡监测结果,2002年全国孕产妇死亡率为43 .2/l0万,沿海地区为19.7/10万、内地为53,8/l0万、边远地区为71.6/10万。辽宁省2003年孕产妇死亡率为25.01/10万,已达到发达国家的平均水平,明显低于全国平均水平,但在国内沿海地区居于最落后水平。 2.死亡原因分析及与国内外比较 据WHO报道,孕产妇死亡的主要原因是产科出血、感染、妊高征。中国2002年孕产妇死亡监测结果显示,位于前3位死亡原因是产科出血(产后出血占80.0%)、死亡专率为21 .1/l0万;妊高征、死亡专率为5.2/10万;羊水栓塞、死亡专率为4.1/10万。而辽宁省孕产妇死亡的主要死因顺位与国内比较略有不同,1998一2003年依次是羊水栓塞、死亡专率为7.12/10万;产后出血(占产科出血的67.44%)、死亡专率为3.50/10万(产科出血死亡专率为5.19/10万);妊高征、死亡专率为3.02/10万。产科出血死亡专率明显低于全国平均水平,产后出血占产科出血构成比也低于全国,说明我省针对产后出血所制定的干预措施效果显著;羊水栓塞死亡率高于全国平均值,这与产时的不适当干预、尤其是催产素使用的不规范有密切关系;妊高征死亡专率略低于全国平均值,但死亡病例中也暴露出孕产妇系统管理及高危专案管理上存在一定的不足。 3.孕产妇死亡率下降原因 全省统一制定了多种孕产期医疗保健常规、开展了有效的孕产妇死亡评审工作并与培训相结合、推广产后出血的防治等科研成果、提高了住院分娩率。结论 1.辽宁省孕产妇死亡率己达到发达国家的平均水平,在国内及发展中国家居领先水平。但是继续降低孕产妇死亡率的难度很大。 2.辽宁省孕产妇死亡主要病因是羊水栓塞、产后出血、妊高征、妊娠合并心脏病、妊娠合并肝脏疾病和血栓性肺栓

【Abstract】 Maternal Mortality rate (MMR) is one of important markes , which weight the social economic strength , culture development and health care in the coutry or an area. The international social constitutions also think highly of the study of this territory progression. It is planed that MMR should descend half based on 1990’s in<<Chinese Children developing scheme in 1990s>>,and continuous descend 1/4 based on 2000s’ ratio in << Chinese women developing scheme in 1990s>> (2000 -2010). For analysis of change regulation on MMR and cause of death , 25 points were selected to monitor in Liaoning province in 1990. Now, all dead pregnant women between 1998 ~ 2003 year in Liaoning province were studied.Subjects and MethodsThe data come from report and audit on maternal mortality in Liaoning and the epidemiology cross sectional study is used.1. Subject objectPregnant and lying - in women who lived in Liaoning province for more than one year.2. Content2.1 Total amount of live births and maternal mortality in Liaoning. 2. 2 Causes of maternal mortality.2. 3 Maternal mortality region and human distribution. 2.4 Health care services in maternal mortality.3. Collection of data3. 1 Channel: to creat a center surrounding women and Children health care organizations at every level for statistics live birth and maternal death.3.2 Time and content of report: the date of live birth and maternal deathwas collected and reported every season by {live births and maternal mortality statement} and{ Maternal mortality information card}.3.3 Three levels audit of maternal death.4. Quality controlQuality control of three grades was done every year , that were county , municipal and province class respectiraly.Results1. Maternal mortality ratio: there are 405 maternal death in Liaoning province between 1998 -2003. Average MMR is 29.47/100 000. MMR decreased from 37.50/100 000 in 1998 to 25.01/100 000 in 2003 (P <0.05).2. Causes of maternal deathThe main causes of maternal deaths in succession were: amniotic fluid embolism, mortality rate is 7. 12/100 000;obstetric hemorrhage, mortality rate is 3.50/100 000 ; pregnancy induced hypertension, mortality rate is 3.02/100 000; heart diseases , mortality rate is 2.05/100 000 ; hepatic disease , mortality rate is 1.75/100000 .3. Health care measureMMR is 15. 33 times in no - health care in earlier period of Pregnancy and 8. 17 times in no - antenatal care . Mortality rate increased 1.61 times without gives birth to baby in hospitals .4. Demographic characteristics of maternal death25 ~30 years old is the most safe period to childbirth ,the death rate is 13. 05/100,000. Age in 30 ~ 35 years olds above 35 years old and lower than 20 years old mortality rate is 3. 34 times 6.92 times and 9. 82 times high than the first group respectively.Discussion1. Comparison of MMRMMR is the lowest in north Europe (0 -11/10 000) and the highest in Af-rican (1000/100 000) through the world. The developed countries were 27/100 000, The developing countries were 480/100 000. MMR in china is 43.20/100 000 in 2002 year and it is 19.70/100 000 in coastland. Therefore, MMR in Lia-oning is close to average level in developed countries, but Lower than that in prosper the region of domestic.2. Comparison of cause of deathThe main causes of maternal death according to WHO’S report that were obstetric , hemorrhage, infection, pregnanty induced hypertensional. In china that is obstetric hemorrhage, pregnancy induced hypertension and amniotic fluid embolism in 2002 year. That succession in Liaoning is amniotic fluid embolism , obstetric hemorrhage and pregnancy induced hypertension.3. The reason of maternal death declineTo enhance management, check high risk fators of gestation . To audit case of dath, and to extend the results of science research were the critical measures to decrease the MMR in Liaoning province.Conclusion1. The MMR of liaonig in 2003 year is 25.01/100 000. That is close to average level of deve

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