

The Calculation Theory and Experiment Research of GFRP Rods Reinforced Concrete Beam

【作者】 王伟

【导师】 晏石林;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 固体力学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 钢筋腐蚀一直是传统钢筋混凝土结构的一个重要课题,解决钢筋锈蚀问题的一个有效办法是采用包括玻璃钢筋(GFRP筋)在内的新型纤维塑料筋代替钢筋。 与钢筋相比玻璃钢筋除了有很好的耐腐蚀性能外,还有抗拉强度高、容重较小、热膨胀系数与混凝土相近等优点,但其弹性模量较低,仅为钢筋的1/5左右。目前玻璃钢筋增强混凝土的很多力学性能并不明确,在应用方面的设计指导也不多,本文针对玻璃钢筋增强呋喃树脂混凝土梁做了一些力学实验及理论方面的研究。 (1) 将玻璃钢筋视为横观各向同性材料,推导了GFRP筋增强混凝土劈裂失效的细观力学模型,分析了玻璃钢筋周围混凝土开裂时的应力及其分布情况,得到了裂纹数量、开裂半径与玻璃钢筋/混凝土界面周围应力的定量关系。 (2) 通过对GFRP筋增强树脂混凝土普通梁和预应力梁进行四点弯曲实验,表明:利用玻璃钢筋作为增强筋在强度方面是可以满足要求的;对玻璃钢筋施加预应力来减小挠度,提高混凝土的开裂强度,以及缩小裂纹宽度是非常必要也是很有效的。 (3) 对钢筋增强水泥混凝土的挠度预测经验公式ACI 318-2002进行了修正,用于预测玻璃钢筋增强呋喃树脂混凝土梁在开裂前后的挠度。 (4) 利用有限元数值方法模拟玻璃钢筋树脂混凝土梁加载的过程,计算表明树脂混凝土材料模型的确定以及本构关系的选择是模拟精度的关键。

【Abstract】 The corrosion of steel rods is always an important subject of the traditional structure of reinforced concrete, a effective method to deal with the problem of corrosiveness is to replace the steel rods by the FRP (fiber reinforce plastic) rods, including the GFRP bars.Comparing with the steel rods, the GFRP rods have good corrosive-resistant property, high-tension strength, lightweight and the similar thermal expansive coefficient with the concrete. But its elastic modulus is only about one-fifth of the steel bars. At present time, many mechanics performances of the GFRP bars are remains uncertain and the instruction of design is rare. This paper is deal with some mechanical experiences and theory researches of GFRP rods concrete beams.(1) Assuming that the GFRP rods is transversely isotropic material. Derive the micro-mechanical model of splitting failure in concrete reinforced with GFRP rods. Analysis the stress and its distribution of the cracked concrete around the GFRP rods, finding the relations of the number of cracks and the crack radius and the stress around the interface of concrete and GFRP rods.(2) The properties of GFRP reinforced polymer concrete beams and prestressed polymer concrete beams are tested by four point bending experiments, the result show: GFRP rods can be satisfied the stiffness request; it’s very necessary and effective to use prestressed beam to minish the defection, enhance the crazed load and reduce the width of the cracks.(3) Modifying the experienced formula ACI 318-2002 which used to forecast the displacement of the steel rods reinforced cement concrete, receive a formula to forecast the displacement of GFRP rods reinforced polymer concrete beams after crazed.(4) Using the numerical method of finite element to simulate the loadingprogress of GFRP rods reinforced polymer concrete beam, the result show thatthe material model and constitutive relation play an important role in receive a accurate solution.

  • 【分类号】TU377
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】186