

Development on an Intelligent Static Phase Generator

【作者】 常雨芳

【导师】 袁佑新;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的快速发展,电力消费也随之快速地增长。近年来,全国用电增长速度明显高于经济增长的速度,电力资源已成为紧缺资源。如何节能降耗已成为近年来研究的热点课题。 在我国,电机所耗电能占整个工业用电的60%-68%,电机等感性负载所引起的无功损耗是电网无功损耗的主要来源,而大中型电机又是许多工业企业的主要用电设备,因此,如何减少大中型电机造成的无功损耗成为许多工业企业节能降耗的关键。 智能型静止进相器是专为大中型绕线式电机节能降耗设计的无功功率就地补偿装置。它串接于交流绕线式异步电机的转子回路,用以提高电动机的功率因数。 研制智能型静止进相器不仅可以发挥现有供电设备的供电潜力,降低电力损耗,从而达到节能目的,提高企业的经济效益,而且社会效益也十分显著:电机功率因数的提高,降低电力损耗,还有利于节省煤等不可再生资源,减少国家投资新建发电厂等。 本文主要对智能型静止进相器的研制进行了深入分析和研究。通过分析无功功率补偿器的原理,结合国内外最新研究成果,比较了几种常用无功功率补偿的方法。讨论了智能型静止进相器的构思、设计方案,详细地介绍了智能型静止进相器的系统设计、工作原理、硬件设计、软件设计,并对系统调试进行了说明,得出了实验结果。 实验表明,智能型静止进相器能够实现电机功率因数的提高,一般可提高到0.96以上。随着功率因数的提高,定子电流明显的减小,减小幅度在20%左右,从而有效地减少电动机供电线路的电压损失及电力损耗。电机功率因数的提高,定子侧的无功功率逐渐下降,从而达到了节能降耗的设计目标。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the Chinese economy, electric power consumption also rises fleetly. In recent years, the rising speed of electric power consumption is higher than that of economy development remarkably. Electric power resource has become very scanty. Hence, how to economize energy sources and reduce wastage has become a hot problem researched in recent years.In China, the quantity of electromotor-consumed electricity is 60%-68% of that of all industry-consumed electricity. Reactive wastage aroused by electromotor is central source of electricity wastage. Since large and medium-sized electromotor contribute mainly to the equipment consumed electricity of many industry enterprises, how to reduce wastage aroused by large and medium-sized electromotor has become the key to saving energy and reducing wastage for many industry enterprises.Intelligent Static Phase Generator (ISPG) is a kind of equipment of compensating reactive power, which technically designed for large and medium-sized Wound-Type electromotor to save energy and reduce wastage. It is linked serially to rotor of Wound-Type electromotor and can enhance power factor of electromotor.Development on ISPG can not only fulfill the potential of power supply equipments and reduce wastages of electric power to the aim of saving energy and enhancing economic benefits of enterprises, but also benefit the whole society. It also helps to save resources that are not recyclable, such as coal. Moreover, our country can reduce investment to build power plants, and so on.In this thesis, development on ISPG is studied and analyzed in depth. Through analysis the theory of reactive power compensator and combining with up-to-the-minute research fruit both at home and abroad, several compensating reactive power methods are compared. Then design and blue print of ISPG are discussed. Furthermore the system design, work theory, hardware and software of ISPG are introduced in detail. At last, system debugging is illuminated and experimental results are presented.The experiments show that ISPG can enhance power factor of electromotor to above 0.96 commonly. With the elevation of the power factor, stator electric current decrease obviously and its range is about 20%. So voltage loss and electric power wastage decrease effectively on electromotor power supply circuitry consequently. With the elevation of the power factor, reactive power on stator descends gradually, so the aim of saving energy and reducing wastage can come true.

  • 【分类号】TM761
  • 【被引频次】9
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