

Development Strategy of the Chinese Banking after Joinin to WTO

【作者】 刘华

【导师】 郝继陶;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 会计学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 1997年12月13日,在WTO的主持下,70个国家和地区的代表参加了金融服务业贸易的多边谈判。世界贸易组织进行的金融服务谈判包括银行、保险、证券、资产管理等内容。全球金融服务贸易协定在1999年3月生效后,已影响到世界95%的金融服务贸易。随着金融服务领域为国际贸易和投资提供广泛和优质的服务,无疑将对全球经济和全球金融体系产生重要的影响。 根据中美及中欧达成的协议,入世后中国银行业的开放主要包括以下内容:1.中国承诺加入世贸后开放所有的外币业务,两年之后开放外资银行与中国企业之间的人民币业务,五年以后外资银行可以同个人进行本币交易,在地域与客户方面的限制将完全消除;2.入世五年后外资银行将享有完全市场准入;3.在业务范围上,外资银行可以接受所有公众贷款、存款和其他应付基金的承兑,各种类型的贷款,包括抵押贷款(比如说房屋抵押贷款)、消费信贷、信用卡信贷,还有金融租赁,所有支付资金的划汇及担保承兑等;4.在服务提供方式方面,外资银行可以跨境交付;5.在境外的消费方面,主要是信用卡消费,外资银行的信用卡消费将不受国界的限制。 中国加入WTO后,我国银行业与国际金融机构的融合、接轨不可避免,国际竞争势必在金融领域全面展开。国内金融机构在全方位的国际竞争中必然会有一个艰难的调整过程,民族金融业在业务、管理、监管和人才等方面将面临直接的冲击与挑战。我国加入WTO,对我国银行业的发展,既有利又有弊,但从总体和长远发展上看,利大于弊。一方面竞争机制的引进有助于加快我国银行商业化进程,提高经营管理与金融服务水平,完善经营运行机制,增强国际竞争实力;另一方面外资银行涌入我国金融服务供应领域,凭借其雄厚的资金实力、先进的经营手段和科学管理经验,必将对我国银行业产生强烈的冲击,带来诸种负面影响。 面对WTO的挑战,我国银行业的发展战略是:加快商业银行改革,按现武汉理工大学硕士学位论文代企业制度要求,对国有专业银行进行产权改革,转变国有专业银行经营机制,把国有专业银行办成真正商业银行,加快非国有股份制商业银行发展;面对外资银行即将进入我国市场这一现实,国有商业银行必须彻底改变观念落后、管理落后、服务落后的状况,加快进行“企业再造”,营造竞争优势,实现经营智能化、经营方式网络化、机构网点虚拟化、业务综合化、金融活动全球化、组织体系集中化;加强风险监管,保持宏观经济稳定和政策的可持续性,不断完善银行风险监管的基础条件,强化市场机制对银行风险的约束;加强政府保护银行业的措施,更加严格地限制外资银行在中国的机构设置,尤其是限制已经在东部地区初步形成分支机构网络的外资银行在中国中西部的机构设置,防止这些银行在我国全境形成发达的分支机构网络,限制外资银行在华从事人民币业务的地域范围;加强对外资银行的监管。

【Abstract】 Financial service trade, as a major topic in service trade negotiations, has attracted increasingly close attention from all countries in the world. Financial service has a bearing on a country’s fundamental political and economic targets such as economic development and social stability. How to deal with the situations has been the focus of attention of all WTO member nations.Since China began its reform and opening drive, the financial industry has made certain progress in both development and adaptation to international practice, but it is still facing great challenges in joining WTO and integrating into economic globalization. As to how fast China’s financial service industry should open to the outside world, it depends on many factors, such as the level of economic development, financial system reform, government regulation over the financial industry, the management level and competitive power of financial institutions, as well as their relations with China, etc. Therefore, China should but proceed in an orderly way and step by step in opening its financial service industry. On one hand, we should choose and introduce into the Chinese market foreign financial institutions that have a long history and creditworthiness and are really necessary to China, while making sure that no foreign financial institutions with potential risks be allowed to enter; on the other, we should have an objective view of China’s reality and be fully aware of the management level and competitive power of Chinese financial institutions. In expanding the scope of business and customers of foreign financial institutions, we should carry out experiment in order and step by step, actively push forward financial system reform, and improve the transparency, efficiency and competitiveness.This paper places emphasis on analyzing China’s banking and discusses the challenges the financial sector will face after the country joins WTO as well as related suggestions and strategies.

【关键词】 WTO银行业发展战略
【Key words】 WTObankingstrategy
  • 【分类号】F832
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】327